About F2 Docs

Welcome to F2 Docs. Here you will find F2 Manuals and F2 Release Notes.

  • F2 Manuals - this page - contains all F2 user manuals. The manuals are intended for all F2 users, regardless of experience level and position.

  • F2 Release Notes describes changes and bug fixes that come with each version and partial version of F2. The articles are primarily intended for F2 managers.

You can find the manuals in the menu on the left. Click on the title of the manual to view its subpages. This way you can go directly to the section you want to read.

Figure 1. Get an overview by expanding the manual’s subpages

Use the search field at the top of the page to search all F2 documentation.

Figure 2. Search for information on F2 Docs

You can type one or more words in the search field. By default, the search engine puts an "OR" between search words. This means that a search for "record access" will return results containing "record", "access", or both. You can also try some of these search functions:

  • To search for a word that can have different endings, use an asterisk (*) at the end of the word. For example, type "search*" to see results that include words like "searches", "search text", and "search field".

  • To search for pages where two words appear, use "+" in front of each word. For example, type "+access +case" to see results that include both "access" and "case". This is similar to using "AND", which is used by other search tools, e.g. in F2.

  • To only search within titles and headings, type "title" followed by a colon (:) and then the word you want to search for. For example, type "title:records" to see results that include the word "records" in the title or heading.

Search results are displayed in a drop-down menu where relevant words are highlighted along with the title of the section where the word(s) are found. The drop-down menu also contains a sample of the context in which the words appear.

You can share a link to a subsection on F2 Docs. Right-click on the § symbol next to the heading and select Copy link.

Figure 3. Copy link to subsection

This way your colleague will be taken directly to the relevant section on the page.