Access rights

In F2 access rights are directly associated with each record. Your access rights to a record determine whether you can view or edit the record, its metadata, and any attached documents.

Access to a case requires read access to at least one of its records. You can edit the metadata on a case if you have write access to it.

User access rights to a record

Users have one of three access rights to a record. These are:

  • Read access: You can find and view the record. This does not allow you to edit the documents attached to the record or the record metadata (including the record document).

  • Write access to documents: You can edit the documents attached to the record (including the record document), but not the record metadata.

  • Full write access: You can edit both the documents attached to the record (including the record document) and the record metadata.

The above access rights are assigned to a user in one of the following ways:

  • Access to the record: Based on the access level specified in the “Access” metadata field on the record.

  • Record sharing: By sharing the record in F2 with a user, e.g. via chats, sending, being added as a supplementary case manager, etc. The methods for sharing a record are discussed in Communication.

The "Access information" dialogue can provide you with an overview of all users who can access the record and their current access rights. Open the dialogue from the "Advanced" tab or by clicking the key icon in the "Access" field of the record window.

User access rights determined by a record’s access level

A record always has an access level. If the record has not been shared, access rights to the record depend on its specified access level and whether a user is in the same unit as the user or unit listed in the "Responsible" field.

The table below shows F2’s access levels and how they affect other users' access rights:

Access level specified on the record Users in record manager’s unit Users not in record manager’s unit


No access to the record

No access to the record


Full write access to the record

No access to the record


Full write access to the record

Read access to the record

Generally, the above applies until the record is shared in F2. This is covered in the next section.

User access rights when a record is shared

When a record is shared in F2, others users become involved in the record. The sharing may happen through chats, notes, requests, adding supplementary case managers, etc. The basic principle for access when sharing a record in F2 is this: The user with whom the record is shared is assigned the access right one tier lower than that of the user sharing the record.

A user’s access rights can never be reduced through the sharing of a record, only expanded.

However, if a user is added as a record participant or supplementary case manager, the above does not apply.

Users added to the “Record participants” field always receive read access to the record.

The access rights of supplementary case managers depend on the configuration of the user who adds them.

Access information

The “Access information” dialogue lists all users with access to the record and their access rights.

There are two ways to open the dialogue:

  • Open the "Advanced" tab and click Access information.

  • Click the key icon in the "Access" field.

Figure 1. The “Access information” dialogue

Tick the box next to “Show deactivated users” to include these in the list of users with access to the record.

To see further details about users' access conditions, click Show involvements on the record with influence on access conditions, which opens the following dialogue.

Figure 2. Influence on access conditions

This dialogue shows which users have read access, which have write access to documents, and which have full write access. If a unit or team has any influence on the access condition, users who are a part thereof may be seen by ticking the “Expand units, teams and groups” box. It is also possible to view deactivated users and units in this dialogue by ticking the box below the list.