
In F2, administrators can set up and modify F2 functionality. This setup determines how other users in the organisation can work in F2. This way you can customise F2 to your organisation’s workflows and guidelines.

Administrators have privileges that let them perform different tasks than regular F2 users. A user who has a role with administrator privileges in F2 has access to the "Administrator" tab in the F2 main window. From here, most administrator tasks can be accessed. The administrator’s main tasks can be divided into four groups: user administration, communication, user interface setup, and management tools setup.

Administrator tasks in F2

Administrator tasks mainly cover the following areas:

user admin

User administration: Create users and units, and assign roles and privileges. Create security groups for confidential case areas such as HR.

icon email

Communication: Import participants and manage the participant register, which is shared across the whole organisation. Create distribution lists and teams to ease communication in the organisation (on the "Settings" tab). Set up mailboxes for units and rules for email replies.

search icon

User interface for all users: Create fixed searches that all users can see. Define the column layout in the result list for all users. Make document templates accessible to the organisation (on the "Settings" tab).

document notebook

Management tools: Determine which keywords can be added to records and cases to facilitate knowledge sharing accross the organisation. Determine which flags can be used by individual users and units. Manage value lists for groups of standard elements. Create progress codes to show case progress.

Access to administrator tasks

Administrator tasks to customise F2 are done directly in the F2 user interface. Most administrator tasks are accessed via the "Administrator" tab in F2’s main window. Here you will find menu items for setting up and maintaining F2.

administrator tab
Figure 1. The ribbon of the ”Administrator” tab in the main window
The menu items available on the "Administrator" tab vary depending on your privileges and which modules are available in your F2 installation. Therefore certain functions described and shown in this manual may not be available in your F2 installation.