Installing cBrain F2

Immediately after installation, the administrators of F2 can begin their administrative tasks.

A number of administrative and technical decisions are made before the final installation. These include:

  • Organisational structure

  • User roles

  • Email import

  • Security groups

  • Users and their roles

  • Keywords

  • Case help

  • Management flags

  • File types

  • Request types

  • Document templates

  • File plans.

Please refer to the relevant technical installation guides and checklists.

The basic installation of F2

Based on the outcomes of the configuration workshops with cBrain, F2 is installed with:

  • An organisation which is known as the top unit in F2.

  • A role of the “Administrator” type. Read more in the Roles in F2 section.

A user with the “Administrator” role can now log into F2 for the first time.