System messages

Users with the “System message administrator” privilege can create system messages that are sent to the users of F2.

This can be important messages about unscheduled downtime or other information pertaining to the performance of F2 and which affects all users.

Figure 1. The “System messages” menu item

A system message is displayed on the screen in front of all other windows if the user’s F2 is active. Click on System messages to open system messages.

System messages can be created, edited and deleted in the dialogue that opens. There are two types of system messages:

  • Start-up: The system message is only displayed when F2 is started.

  • Push: The system message is pushed out to all users at a specific time. The message is displayed on the users’ screens immediately.

Figure 2. The “System messages” dialogue

The administrator can specify the system message type in the “System messages” dialogue by clicking on New. Select a type from the drop-down arrow in the “Type” field. Then enter a title for the system message, select when to display it and enter its content.

Figure 3. Create a new system message