The "F2 Analytics" window for administrators

Users with the "F2 Analytics administrator" privilege can configure and draw reports from the "F2 Analytics" window. Open the window from the "Administrator" tab by clicking the F2 Analytics menu item.

admin tab analytics item
Figure 1. The "F2 Analytics" menu item on the "Administrator" tab

Window layout

In the window, you can see an overview of the organisation’s report configurations and their details in the result list (1). Select a configuration to preview it (2). The preview shows information such as a description of the configuration’s purpose, its fixed filters, and which fields users must fill in to draw a meaningful report.

The ribbon (3) contains menu items to create, edit, and delete configurations as well as to draw reports based on the selected configuration. You can draw a report in two ways: You can either preview it or download it as an Excel file.

admin window layout
Figure 2. The "F2 Analytics" window

Menu items in the ribbon

The table below describes the menu items in the ribbon of the "F2 Analytics" window and how to use them.

Menu item Description

"New report configuration"

Open the "Create a new report configuration" dialogue. In the dialogue, enter a title and choose the report type you want to configure.

The available report types depend on your organisation’s agreement with cBrain. All standard report types and their standard report configurations are listed in the report reference. Your organisation may have types developed for your installation specifically, for example for extracting case guide data. Contact cBrain for more information.
create configuration dialogue
Figure 3. The "Create new report configuration" dialogue

Click Create in the dialogue to open the new report configuration for editing. From here you can develop and save the configuration.


Open the selected report configuration for editing. Here you have the same editing options as when creating a new configuration.


Open the "Create a copy" dialogue to create a copy of the selected configuration. The dialogue is pre-filled based on the copied configuration, but you can enter a new title for the copy and add an access restriction before creating it.

copy configuration dialogue
Figure 4. The dialogue is pre-filled based on the selected configuration

Click Create to create and immediately save the copy. It is then available in the configuration overview. From here you can open it for editing.


Delete the selected report configuration. F2 asks for confirmation before deletion.

"Show report"

Draw a report based on the selected configuration and show it in the preview pane directly in the window. Read more about drawing reports.

"Download report"

Draw a report based on the selected configuration and download it as an Excel file. Read more about drawing reports.

Draw report

To draw a report, first select a configuration in the result list in the "F2 Analytics" window. For example, if you want to draw data about record metadata fields, you can use a configuration with the "All record fields" fields report type. The window’s preview shows you details about the configuration such as its columns, filters, fields to fill in, and properties.

In the ribbon, you have two options for drawing a report based on the selected configuration:

  • Preview the report directly in the window by clicking Show report. The report preview is displayed as a new tab alongside the configuration details.

  • Download the report as an Excel file using Download report. The file is based on the configured template, if one was selected, and is automatically saved in the "Downloads" folder on your computer.

A dialogue opens where you may need to fill in some predefined fields. Then click on Show or Download to draw the report.

Fill in any required fields

Some configurations require certain fields to be filled in before meaningful data can be extracted. It may be that only data from a limited time period is relevant, but that this specific time period depends on who draws the report or when.

When you draw a report, either to preview it or to download it as an Excel file, a dialogue opens called "Show report" or "Download report", respectively. The dialogue contains any fields that you are required to fill in.

draw report admin
Figure 5. A report drawing data from a specific time period

Fill in the fields with relevant data and click on Show or Download to draw the report.