Access restrictions on cases based on templates

The “Access restriction” field on the case template determines two things: who is able to access a case template and who is able to access a case based on the template.

A case template with this field included and editable lets the user add an access restriction which will apply to the case as may be done when a case is created without a case template.

A case template with an “Access restriction” field that is pre-filled by a user with the “Can edit case templates” privilege can only be seen by users who are included in the specified access restriction. This may be e.g. a unit or a security group.

When a case based on a template containing an element in the “Access restriction” field (either added by the template’s creator or a user during case creation), the contents of this field overwrites all other access restrictions that could affect case access. For example, if the case creator has chosen a “Security group for new cases” in “Setup” on the “Settings” tab in the main window, this security group is overwritten by the access restriction specified on the case template.

If a case template includes an empty “Access restriction” field, F2 automatically inserts the user’s “Security group for new cases” if any is chosen.

The prioritisation of the case template’s access restriction also applies when the case creator adds a file plan with an associated security group. If the template contains both an access restriction and a file plan with a security group, the content of the “Access restriction” field determines who is able to access the case. The file plan’s security group is rendered invalid.

F2 favours the user’s choice of security group for new cases over the security group of a file plan. For case templates with no pre-determined access restriction (but on which the field is present), the user’s “Security group for new cases”, if any, is added to the “Access restriction” field. The user’s choice of security group then becomes the effective access restriction on the case, even if a file plan with a security group is added during case creation. In this case, the file plan’s security group is rendered invalid.