Create a case template

Users with the “Can edit case templates” privilege are able to create and edit case templates. Go to the “Settings” tab and click the Case templates menu item.

case templates menu item
Figure 1. The “Case templates” menu item

The "Case templates" window opens. From here it is possible to create and delete case templates and import or export them to and from F2. The window shows a list of existing case templates, which can be sorted by various columns. Below the column title is a field for filtering that makes it easier to search for a specific template.

Figure 2. The “Case templates” window

New case template

Click on New in the ribbon to open the “New case template” dialogue. In the “Template title” field, enter a title for the template. The title appears when the case template is accessed from the drop-down menu in the “New case” dialogue. For further information, see the section Create a case from a case template. The field has a red background colour indicating that it is mandatory, since a title is required in order to save the template.

The figure also shows the “Attached units” field. If empty, a case template generally becomes available to all users in the organisation, i.e. for all authorities. By adding units to the field, the creator determines who is able to see the template in the “New case” dialogue and to select it as a template for new cases. The field is described in further detail in the table below.

The figure also shows two examples of fields that may be included on a case template, “Access restriction” and “Action code”.

Figure 3. New case template

Click the slider to the left of an optional to include it on the case template. If the slider is blue, the field is included.

To the right of each field are a number of elements for adjusting the field. These elements are described in the table below, followed by a description of the different fields.

Element Description


Create a new installation reference.

A field included on the case template may be empty - and may then be filled in by the user during case creation - or it may contain one or more installation references. An installation reference may be considered a type of shortcut that helps establish the framework of a case.


Left-click on this symbol and drag the corresponding field to the wanted location on the case template.


Check this box to make the field mandatory for a user to fill in when using the template to create a new case.


Check this box to add the field to the case template, but make it uneditable to users who create a case using the template.

When this box is checked, the template creator must fill in the field during creation of the case template.

Checking this box may be useful for creating a template for cases that must always have the same access restriction.


A field that cannot be edited can also be hidden for the users who will be using the case template. Check this box to hide the field so it cannot be seen on the template.

The table below describes the fields which can be included on a case template. For each field that is included, the template creator must choose whether the field is mandatory to fill in when using the template and whether the field may be edited by the case creator.

Field Description


The “Title” field is mandatory. Enter a title for the template which is shown in the “New case” dialogue.

“Attach to units”

If this field is empty, all of the organisation’s users will generally be able to see and use the case template.

If a unit is attached to a case template, it is only visible to the unit’s users as well as users in any subunits. All of these users will see the parent unit’s name listed after the title of the case template. The case template’s title is presented in bold for users with a a job role in the unit to which the case template is directly attached.

If a template must be attached to a unit, but not its subunits, it is possible to add an access restriction during template creation.

“Access restriction”

Lets the template creator set an access restriction on the template. If the field is open for editing on the finished template, the case creator is able to set an access restriction for the case.

The template creator can limit access to the template by adding to this field an installation reference that e.g. refers to a unit. This ensures that only users in this specific unit can see and access the case template, while it remains invisible to users in subunits.

When creating a case using a case template, an access restriction on the template will overwrite any other access restriction or security group which the case creator may have set up in their personal settings or in connection with a file plan.

“Action code”

Lets the template or case creator add an action code to the case. Action codes are used when labelling a case, e.g. as further categorisation of a file plan or as tags. Action codes are managed in a value list by a user with the “Value list administrator” privilege. For further information on value lists, see Administrator.

This field is only visible if F2 is configured to show action codes. This configuration is done in cooperation with cBrain.

“Case participants”

Lets the template or case creator add case participants.


Lets the template or case creator add a deadline to the case.

“Disposal code”

Lets the template or case creator add a disposal code to the case.

“File plan”

Lets the template or case creator add a file plan to the case.

This field is only visible if F2 is configured to show file plans. This configuration is done in cooperation with cBrain.
A file plan’s security group will be overwritten by any access restriction on the case template or by the case creator’s choice of “Security group for new cases” in “Setup” on the “Settings” tab in the main window, if any. For further information, see the section Access restrictions on cases based on templates.


Lets the template or case creator add keywords to the case.

“Progress code”

Lets the template or case creator add a progress code to the case.


Lets the template or case creator add e.g. a user or unit that is responsible for the case.

“Supplementary case managers”

Lets the template or case creator add a supplementary case manager.

“Case guide”

Lets the template or case creator add a case guide.

This field is only visible if the F2 Task Guides add-on module is installed.

Click Save and close in the ribbon when the template is done. The template is then available in the drop-down menu in the “New case” dialogue.

Figure 4. The “New case” dialogue

Adding an installation reference from the “New case template” dialogue

Case template fields can be pre-filled using installation references. When a user starts typing in a field, F2 automatically suggests relevant installation references.

When an installation reference is added to a field, click the down arrow next to it to open a context menu. From here it is possible to copy, cut, paste, or remove the installation reference.

Figure 5. Context menu for installation reference

If an installation reference is not in the system, the error message below is shown. The error message also appears if there is a typo in the entered installation reference, which is underlined in yellow.

Figure 6. Error message for missing installation references

If an installation reference is not in the system, it may be created by clicking the image15 icon in the top right corner of the relevant field.

This opens the “New installation reference” dialogue, which is identical to the dialogue that can be accessed from the Installation references menu item on the “Administrator” tab. For further information on installation references, see the section Creating an installation reference.