Case functions

This article describes a selection of case functions.

Delete case

You can delete a case from the case window ribbon. A case can only be deleted when it is in read-only mode. Click Delete to delete the case.

Figure 1. Delete case

You must have either the “Can delete cases” privilege or the “Can delete everything on cases” role to be able to delete a case in F2. The differences between the two are described in the next sections.

When a case is deleted, all records on the case are deleted as well. The records are deleted instantly from F2 and cannot be found in e.g. “My deleted records”.

Delete case with the “Can delete cases” privilege

A user with the “Can delete cases” privilege can delete a case if the following criteria are met:

  • The user has write access to all the records on the case.

  • None of the records on the case are in edit mode or locked in any other way.

Click on Delete to delete the case. F2 then checks if all the records on the case can be deleted by the user. If one or more records cannot be deleted, the case cannot be deleted. If all records on the case can be deleted, the “Reason for deletion” dialogue opens. Here the user must enter a reason for deleting the case.

Figure 2. The “Reason for deletion” dialogue

Once a reason has been entered, click Delete. The “Generate report with deleted items” dialogue opens.

In the dialogue, you can choose whether to generate a report containing a list of the deleted items. F2 can be set up to remember this choice for future case deletions. This choice can be changed from the “Settings” tab in the main window. Click the Setup menu item and go to the “Cases” tab.

Figure 3. The “Report for deleted case” in the “Setup” dialogue

If a user decides to generate a report, the report is placed in the user’s inbox.

Figure 4. An example of a report for a deleted case
The report for deleted cases is based on a template which can be configured to fit the needs of the organisation. Configurations are performed in cooperation with cBrain.

Delete case with the “Can delete everything on cases” role

A user with the “Can delete everything on cases” standard role can delete a case regardless of the mode of its records and the user’s record access rights. It is recommended that this role is assigned with caution.

When a case is deleted using this role, the user is shown a dialogue containing a list of error messages that would otherwise prevent deletion. This is to make the user aware of any consequences before deleting and to provide the option of aborting the deletion process. As when deleting a case with the “Can delete cases” privilege, the user must enter a reason for deleting the case.

Figure 5. The “Summary of delete case” window

Once the case is deleted, the “Generate report with deleted items” dialogue opens. Here it is possible to create a report with case and record information for the deleted case. The report is placed in the user’s inbox.

The report for cases deleted with the “Can delete everything on cases” role is identical to the one generated when deleting cases with the “Can delete everything” privilege.

Users with this role can delete cases even if they have been locked, including cases locked e.g. in connection with deliveries to the National Archives.

Set up a report for deleted cases

Users with either the “Can delete cases” privilege or the “Can delete everything on cases” role can choose F2’s default behaviour when they delete a case. Read more about case report setup.

New note

You can add notes to a case. When a note is added to a case, it can be seen in the note window as shown below. Participants cannot be added to a case note. As a consequence, case notes do not affect access to the case.

Figure 6. The case note window

Enter the note text in the compose box and click on the image arrow icon or press Ctrl + Enter. If there are multiple notes on a case, a list is shown in the left side of the window. Close the window by clicking the X in the top right corner or by pressing Esc.

Adding users to a case note to direct their attention to the note is not possible.

The case note window contains a number of functions which are described below.

Functions in the case note window

The case note window’s functions are found in the drop-down menu in the upper right corner.

Figure 7. Functions in the case note window

These functions are described below.

Function Description

“Name note”

Opens a dialogue that lets you name the note.

This may be useful if there are several notes on the case.

“Copy text”

Copies the entire note text.

“Open case”

Opens the case to which the note is linked.

“Delete note”

Deletes the note. Requires the “Can delete notes” privilege. F2 asks for confirmation when you delete a note.

Viewing case notes

Case notes can be viewed from both the main and case windows.

In the case window, the note is found to the right of the metadata fields. Click on the note icon image to view its text as a drop-down. Click the note text to open the note window.

Figure 8. Read a note in the case window by clicking the icon

In the main window, click Show cases above the result list to view cases. In the case view, notes are also indicated with the note icon image. To read the note, hover the cursor over the icon as shown below.

Figure 9. Read a note in the main window by hovering the cursor over the note icon

Completing a case

Click Complete case in the ribbon when work on a case is done. This action requires the “Closer cases” privilege. The case is then closed, and the menu item switches to Reopen case. Reopening a case requires the “Reopener case” privilege.

F2 comes with a default configuration that streamlines the process of case completion. As part of this configuration, F2 attempts to complete all records on a case before it is closed. F2 asks for confirmation before the case is completed.

Cases can be completed by users with write access to all records on the case.

When a case is completed, the following actions can no longer be performed:

  • Adding new records to the case.

  • Adding existing records to the case.

  • Editing case records whether they are registered or not.

  • Creating new versions of the case records manually.

  • Deleting case records.

  • Importing an email to the case.

  • Sending case records as emails.

  • Creating new annotations on the case or its records.

  • Creating new requests on the case records.

  • Adding case records to meetings.

  • Quality assuring the case.

  • Editing the case metadata.

Deleted records that are restored do not retain their case attachment if the case has been completed.

This default configuration can be deactivated in cooperation with cBrain.

If this configuration is deactivated, records can be added to completed cases. Completed case titles can be configured to be italicised.

Case history

Click on History in the case window ribbon to view the full history of a case.

Figure 10. Open case history

The history shows any changes made to the case as well as its records. It is possible to view only the case history by clicking the Show records menu item to deactivate it.

Figure 11. Case history

The history can be filtered using the fields below the column titles. F2 automatically starts filtering when you enter text in a filter field or use the field’s drop-down menu.

It is possible to relate cases to each other. Click on Related cases in the case window ribbon to open the “Related cases” dialogue. The dialogue displays an overview of existing case relations. From here it is also possible to create and edit relations between cases.

Figure 12. Open the “Related cases” dialogue

Click on New in the dialogue to create a new relation.

Figure 13. The “Related cases” dialogue

Select a case to relate to the current case and determine the relationship between the cases as shown below. You can determine the relationship between the current case and the selected case in the “Relation” drop-down menu.

Figure 14. The “New case relation” dialogue

When their relation has been established, the cases appear in the overview of related cases, which is accessed by clicking Related cases in the case window ribbon. To edit, delete, or open a related case, right-click on it. A case can also be opened by double-clicking on it.

Figure 15. Overview of related cases