F2 offers various means of communication. You can message other users and units through emails and chats, and you can communicate indirectly through metadata changes. Additionally, some F2 modules offer new options for communication.
Send messages and materials
No matter what window you are working in, you can always message your colleagues and external recipients. The design of F2 ensures that you communicate in the context of your work. Among other things, this means you will never have to email copies of documents back and forth.
Email: Send, forward, and reply to records just like emails in traditional email systems. Use these functions for formal and external communication. |
Chat: Use chats for informal communication in relation to tasks or other types of coordination and knowledge sharing in the organisation. Chats are always created on a record, ensuring effective communication by adding context. |
Note: A note is an informal type of communication on records and cases. Unlike the chat, the note is visible to all users with read access to the record or case to which it is added. Recipients can be added to the note to specifically notify them. |
Annotation: An annotation adds formal information visible to all users to a record. |
Communication through metadata
You can use metadata on records and cases to communicate indirectly. This allows you to place records in the inboxes of others while informing them of their role in the case work.
Allocation of responsibility: The "Responsible" field is used when assigning tasks to a unit or a user. This corresponds to placing a task in a physical inbox or on a colleague’s desk. |
Supplementary case managers: Add users or units in the “Suppl. case mgr.” metadata field to grant them access to records and cases they should contribute to, but not take responsibility for. This also means that they are granted rights to edit the record or case. |
Modules offer new options
Your organisation can choose to expand your F2 installation with modules that introduce new communication options.
F2 Request: Request tasks from other users and units within the same F2 installation. |
F2 Approvals: Submit records for a formal approval with other users and units within the F2 installation. |