
An annotation is a formal comment that is added to a record or a case. This function is typically used if senior employees must annotate others' work or when an employee wishes to annotate a record or case with formal information.

The annotation is visible to all users with access to the record or case.

The annotation is a type of formal communication and cannot be deleted. This sets it apart from chats and notes.

If an organisation periodically delivers its documents to e.g. the National Archives, any annotations are included in the delivery.

Create annotation

On the record ribbon, click New annotation to open the dialogue below.

Figure 1. “New annotation” dialogue

Tick off one or more annotation types. The annotation type options can be configured and is maintained by a user with the “Value list administrator” privilege, so dialogue content may vary.

If needed, add an annotation text in the editing pane to elaborate.

Click OK to save the annotation.

Access an annotation

The annotation icon is shown on the record above the document area. A blue circle is shown on the icon if the annotation is unread.

access annotation record window
Figure 2. Annotation on the record

An annotation is accessed from either the record window or the main window. Click the annotation icon to view its text in a tooltip. Click the text to go to the annotation window.

annotation preview main window
Figure 3. Access annotation

An annotation may be accessed from the main window without opening the record. Either double-click the annotation icon in the result list, or open the annotation from the main window preview.

The annotation text can be viewed in the result list via the annotation icon tooltip.

annotation message tooltip
Figure 4. Access annotation from the main window

Mark annotation as seen

An annotation is marked as seen by opening the annotation window and clicking the Seen button.

Figure 5. Mark an annotation as seen

When an annotation is marked as seen and then saved, it is automatically listed at the top of the annotation window.

Figure 6. Annotation seen by user