The Dossiers dataset contains data regarding records.
Importing to a BI database
Records are continuously changed. This makes it necessary to ensure during periodic runs that the latest changes are included and that obsolete data is deleted.
You should do the following when importing to a BI database:
Delete rows related to changed records in the existing table. Record IDs for the changed cases can be found in the latest version of the table.
Import the latest version of the table to the BI database.
Column overview
The following table describes the columns available in the dataset. The table includes the following information about each column:
Dataset name: The column’s name in the dataset.
Description: Describes the column’s content and function.
Reference to other dataset: Specifies references to other datasets, if any.
Format: Specifies the format of the returned values.
Length: Specifies the length of the returned values, if any.
Examples: Examples of returned values.
Dataset name | Description | Reference to other dataset | Format | Length | Examples |
InternalDossierId |
The internal database ID of the record. |
bigint |
6932 2083 |
Deleted |
Time and date of when the record was deleted, if relevant. |
datetime |
7/19/2017 10:28:12 AM 1/17/2021 12:01:45 PM |
ExternalId |
The external ID of the record. |
bigint |
12 69 |
InternalCaseId |
The internal database ID of the case the record is attached to. |
bigint |
12058 69863 |
AccessType |
The access level of the record. |
varchar |
8 |
Involved Unit All |
DossierType |
The record type of the record. |
varchar |
19 |
DraftDossier SendMail |
F2DossierNumber |
The F2 record number of the record. The number is the sequential number for registered records on a case. |
int |
20 9786 |
DocumentType |
The type of record, e.g. if it was received or sent. |
varchar |
8 |
DraftDossier ReceivedMail SendMail LockedDossier NotSendViaF2 SendOutputManager SendDigitalMail |
IsBinned |
Whether the record has been binned. 0 = No 1 = Yes |
int |
0 1 |
IsPrivate |
Whether the record is in the "My private records" list. 0 = No 1 = Yes |
int |
0 1 |
InLibrary |
Whether the record is in the "Library" list. 0 = No 1 = Yes |
int |
0 1 |
FolderDisplayTitle |
The archival area of the record. |
nvarchar |
271 |
Archive Library Private folder: Hannah Hendricks Binned |
BCCRecieverNames |
Any Xbc recipients of a record sent as an email. |
nvarchar |
Robert Robertson |
LetterDate |
The letter date of the record. |
datetime |
7/19/2017 10:28:12 AM 1/17/2021 12:01:45 PM |
DossierDate |
The letter date of the record if one was manually added. |
datetime |
7/19/2017 10:28:12 AM 1/17/2021 12:01:45 PM |
CCRecieverNames |
Any Cc recipients of a record sent as email. |
nvarchar |
Robert Robertson |
CprNumber |
The CPR number of the record. |
nvarchar |
12 |
0123456789 9876543210 |
DocumentAccess TypeEnumItemId |
The ID of the access type of the record. |
int |
6985 1240 |
OriginalTitle |
The original title of an incoming email record if its record title has since been changed. |
nvarchar |
400 |
Request for more information Regarding XYZ |
KeyWords |
The keywords of the record. |
nvarchar |
400 |
Recruitment Quality Assurance |
RemindDate |
The remind date of the record. |
datetime |
7/19/2017 10:28:12 AM 1/17/2021 12:01:45 PM |
DeadLine |
The record deadline. |
datetime |
7/19/2017 10:28:12 AM 1/17/2021 12:01:45 PM |
DocumentNumber |
The ID number of the record. |
bigint |
6 98 |
Archived |
Whether the record has been registered for archival. 0 = No 1 = Yes |
bit |
0 1 |
MailRecievedDate |
The time and date a record was received as an email. |
datetime |
7/19/2017 10:28:12 AM 1/17/2021 12:01:45 PM |
CreatedByUser NameInternalPartyId |
The ID of the user who created the record. |
int |
789 4538 |
CreatedDate |
The time and date of when the record was created. |
datetime |
7/19/2017 10:28:12 AM 1/17/2021 12:01:45 PM |
CaseHelp |
Whether the case help is enabled for the record. |
bit |
1: Enabled 0: Disabled |
CaseFolder |
The name of the case folder in which the record has been placed. |
nvarchar |
256 |
Appendices Quality reporting |
MailSendDate |
The time and date a record was sent as an email. |
datetime |
7/19/2017 10:28:12 AM 1/17/2021 12:01:45 PM |
MailsDigitallySigned |
Whether the record was digitally signed when sent. |
bit |
Status |
The status of the record. |
varchar |
10 |
InProgress Closed |
ReplyTo DossierDocumentNumber |
The ID of the record a given record is a reply to. |
bigint |
6 98 |
ReplyToDossierTitle |
The title of the record a given record is a reply to. |
nvarchar |
256 |
Fw: Request for more information Regarding XYZ |
PreviousCaseNumber |
The previous case number of the case the record is associated with. |
nvarchar |
256 |
12/23587 15/78646 |
RecieverNames |
The recipients of an email record. |
nvarchar |
Robert Robertson |
Title |
The title of the record. |
nvarchar |
256 |
Fw: Re: Request for more information Regarding XYZ |
VersionNumber |
The number of versions of the record that exists. |
int |
1 6 |
ForwardOf DossierDocumentNumber |
The ID of the record that was forwarded as the given record. |
bigint |
6 98 |
ForwardOfDossierTitle |
The title of the record that was forwarded as the given record. |
nvarchar |
256 |
Request for more information Regarding XYZ |
AdditionalCaseworkers |
Any supplementary case managers on the record. |
nvarchar |
4000 |
Admin Robert Robertson |
AdditionalUnits |
Any supplementary units on the record. |
nvarchar |
4000 |
IT Office Quality Assurance |
InvolvedParties |
The participants involved with the record. |
nvarchar |
4000 |
Hannah Hendricks Manny Manson |
SecurityGroups |
The access restriction of the record. |
nvarchar |
4000 |
SG: Team leaders IT Office |
CaseSecurity GroupsInherited |
The access restriction inherited from the record’s case. |
nvarchar |
4000 |
SG: Team leaders IT Office |
LastModified |
The time and date of the latest change made to the record. |
datetime |
7/19/2017 10:28:12 AM 1/17/2021 12:01:45 PM |