The PartyRegistry dataset contains data regarding participants in the participant register.
Importing to a BI database
Participant data can change continuously. This makes it necessary to ensure during periodic runs that the latest changes are included and that obsolete data is deleted.
You should do the following when importing to a BI database:
Delete rows related to changed participants in the existing table. Participant IDs for the changed participants can be found in the latest version of the table.
Import the latest version of the table to the BI database.
Column overview
The following table describes the columns available in the dataset. The table includes the following information about each column:
Dataset name: The column’s name in the dataset.
Description: Describes the column’s content and function.
Reference to other dataset: Specifies references to other datasets, if any.
Format: Specifies the format of the returned values.
Length: Specifies the length of the returned values, if any.
Examples: Examples of returned values.
Dataset name | Description | Reference to other dataset | Format | Length | Examples |
InternalPartyId |
The internal database ID of the participant. |
int |
6345 3695 |
PartyRegisterType |
The type of participant in the participant register. |
varchar |
4 |
User Department |
Active |
Whether the participant is active. 0 = Deactivated 1 = Active |
int |
0 1 |
Navn |
The name of the participant. |
nvarchar |
510 |
Admin Robert Robertson |
The email address of the participant. |
nvarchar |
200 |
CPR_CVRNumber |
The CPR or CVR number of the participant. |
nvarchar |
24 |
0123456789 12345678 |
CVR_PNumber |
The P number of the participant. |
int |
7652 2345 |
ExternalPartyId |
The external ID of the participant. |
int |
12 96 |
ParentPartyId |
The ID of the participant register node in which the participant is placed. |
int |
7531 1863 |
Adress1 |
Address line 1 of the participant. |
nvarchar |
200 |
17 Street Flat A |
Adress2 |
Address line 2 of the participant. |
nvarchar |
200 |
17 Street 50 Valley Hill |
PostalCode |
The postal code of the participant. |
nvarchar |
40 |
ZZ99 9ZZ |
City |
The city of the participant. |
nvarchar |
200 |
Hilltown Cityburg |
CountryCode |
The country code of the participant. |
nvarchar |
20 |
Phone |
The phone number of the participant. |
nvarchar |
50 |
45 12 34 45 +45 12 34 56 78 |
PhoneLocalNumber |
The local phone number of the participant. |
nvarchar |
10 |
45 12 34 45 +45 12 34 56 78 |
MobilePhoneLocal |
The mobile phone number of the participant. |
nvarchar |
50 |
45 12 34 45 +45 12 34 56 78 |
Telefax |
The telefax number of the participant. |
nvarchar |
50 |
45 12 34 45 +45 12 34 56 78 |
ContactPerson |
The point of contact for the participant. |
nvarchar |
256 |
Admin Robert Robertson |
HomePage |
The website of the participant. |
nvarchar |
100 | |