Receiving e-Boks deliveries

The content of this website is last updated to F2 version 10. cBrain are working hard on supplying you with the newest documentation of F2.

An organisation can receive e-Boks deliveries directly in F2. This means that F2 users do not have to log in to the organisation’s e-Boks to check for new mail. The digital mail is instead delivered directly to the unit’s or user’s F2 inbox via e-Boks. This saves a substantial amount of time, which instead can be used for case management.

Which units or users that receive e-Boks deliveries is configured in cooperation with cBrain. It is also possible to configure that the default recipient receives all replies to e-Boks deliveries sent from F2.

Figure 1. Receiving an e-Boks delivery in the unit’s inbox

When incoming mail from e-Boks is opened in F2, the record metadata will show that it has been sent and received using e-Boks.

Click on Reply in the ribbon to reply to the received record.

mail received from eboks
Figure 2. Digital mail received from e-Boks