Create Digital Post deliveries

The content of this website is last updated to F2 version 10. cBrain are working hard on supplying you with the newest documentation of F2.

Deliveries to Digital Post can be created from either F2’s main window or from a record. Both options are discussed in the following sections. While the creation methods differ, the sending procedure remains the same.

Create a Digital Post delivery from the main window

Click New Digital Post in the main window ribbon to create a new Digital Post delivery.

ngdp menu item
Figure 1. The “New Digital Post” menu item

It is also possible to create a Digital Post delivery using the context menu in the main window.

Right-click a record or case in the result list and select New in the context menu. Then click on New Digital Post.

ngdp context menu
Figure 2. Create a new Digital Post delivery from the context menu in the main window

The record window then opens in the Digital Post view.

Create Digital Post deliveries from the record window

A Digital Post delivery can be created from the record window. Click the Advanced tab, then on Delivery type and select Digital Post in the drop-down menu as shown below. The delivery type changes to Digital Post.

ngdp change delivery type
Figure 3. Change delivery type to “Digital Post”