Send Digital Post deliveries

The content of this website is last updated to F2 version 10. cBrain are working hard on supplying you with the newest documentation of F2.

First, add a recipient to the Digital Post. The recipient must be registered in F2’s participant register and have a CPR or CVR number. The CPR or CVR number is a requirement for sending deliveries to Digital Post from F2.

It is possible to check if the recipient is registered at Digital Post before sending. To check, click the Retrieve recipient’s registration status field as shown below.

check status
Figure 1. Check the recipient’s registration status

The table below lists the possible statuses for a recipient.

Status Description

The recipient with CPR/CVR 'xxxxxxxxxx' is registered with Digital Post.

Digital Post reports that the recipient can receive digital mail.

The recipient with CPR/CVR 'xxxxxxxxxx' is not registered with Digital Post.

Digital Post reports that the recipient cannot receive digital mail.

Digital Post was unable to find a recipient with CPR/CVR 'xxxxxxxxxx'.

Digital Post reports that the recipient could not be found.

Digital Post reports that registration status for the recipient with CPR/CVR 'xxxxxxxxxx' is unknown.

Digital Post reports that the recipient registration status is unknown.

Digital Post deliveries can be sent to multiple recipients at once by using the “Merge to case participants” function. This is described in the Mass sending Digital Post section.

Sending Digital Post deliveries differ from sending regular emails in F2 in a few important areas.

When a record is sent as a regular email, the email text is written in the record document (the record’s editing window), and potential attachments are attached to the email. To the recipient, the record document text is the body of the email.

When a record is sent as a Digital Post delivery, the record document is not included. Instead the first attachment on the record comprises the text which the recipient will see in the delivered digital mail.

The record title is used as the title of the Digital Post delivery for the recipient, while attachment titles are retained.

It is therefore essential that the sequence of the attachments is correct when preparing Digital Post deliveries.

The procedure for sending Digital Post deliveries from F2 is as follows:

  1. Create a record in Digital Post view as described above.

  2. Attach a Word document that constitutes the email body and add the text of the email to the document. All attachments are converted to PDF files when the digital mail is sent.

  3. Attach any additional documents after the Word document (i.e. the email text).

Click Send to send the digital mail.

It will be evident in the record window of the digital mail when it is being sent. The sending action cannot be stopped or cancelled. F2 will show the record’s status as being sent until it is received and validated by Digital Post.

Digital Post limitations

A delivery to Digital Post cannot have two attachments with the same title. Titles must be edited in F2 before sending.

Additionally, the following limitations for deliveries to Digital Post apply:

  • Attached documents must be in a format that can be converted to PDF.

  • The total email size must not exceed 99.5 MB.

  • The record must contain no more than one main document and 10 attachments.

Send digital mail to a public authority

Digital mail must be addressed to a public authority in its capacity as either an authority or a company. In the “Send as” drop-down, select either “Digital Post – Authority” or “Digital Post – Company”.

select ngdp type
Figure 2. Select a Digital Post type

Track Digital Post deliveries

A record sent to Digital Post displays the time when it was received by the Digital Post platform. To view this, click the My sent records list on the left in the main window. From here, open the record. Its delivery status is shown in the record window below the “Title” field.

ngdp status
Figure 3. The Digital Post status is “Sending”

Click Update as shown above to see the newest status. This is a way to check whether the delivery has been received by Digital Post.

The table below describes each potential status for a delivery to Digital Post.

Status Description


The delivery is currently being sent from F2 to Digital Post.

“Received by Digital Post and undergoing validation”

Digital Post has received the delivery, and it is being validated.

“Accepted by Digital Post on [date and time]. Being delivered to recipient”

Digital Post accepted the delivery and it is being delivered to the recipient.

“Rejected by Digital Post”

Digital Post rejected the delivery. The record is marked with a warning icon image13 and returned to the sender’s inbox with the message that it was not delivered. The cause may be that the recipient is not registered at Digital Post or has opted out.

It is noted in the record metadata of a rejected digital mail if it was not delivered.

“Unable to deliver to Digital Post”

Something went wrong during delivery. This status may be caused by downtime at Digital Post.

It is possible to monitor Digital Post deliveries. The configuration is made on the organisation’s server in cooperation with cBrain. This ensures that any failed deliveries are reported directly to the organisation’s F2 responsible user.

Mass sending Digital Post deliveries

Digital Post deliveries can be sent to multiple recipients simultaneously. To do this, add the relevant recipients to the “Case participants” field of the case. Then save the case by clicking Save.

add recipients
Figure 4. Add multiple recipients in the case window’s “Case participants” field

To send the Digital Post delivery, leave the “To” field empty. Instead click on the arrow next to the Copy record menu item in the ribbon and select Merge to case participants.

merge to case participants
Figure 5. Merge the Digital Post delivery to case participants from the record window

The “Merge to case participants” dialogue opens. Select case participants to add as recipients. To send the Digital Post delivery immediately, tick the Send to recipient box.

Figure 6. The “Merge to case participants” dialogue

Click OK to start merging. F2 creates a new Digital Post record for each selected participant, attaches the records to the case, and adds the selected participants as recipients on the records. If the “Send to recipient” box is ticked, the records will also be sent immediately.

The F2 Merge Codes add-on makes it possible to merge information such as names and dates with letters for mass sending.