F2 File upload

F2 File upload allows you to upload files directly from F2’s user interface to F2’s servers. During the upload process, F2 File upload ensures that the files are placed in the correct locations on the servers.

With F2 File upload, you can easily manage files that have already been uploaded to F2, upload new files, and create new file versions.

You can upload Service Builder design templates and email templates to use in case guides.

It is possible to upload Service Builder design templates and email templates. Your organisation can activate additional file types in collaboration with cBrain.

Manage files in the "Files uploaded to F2" window

All file management takes place in the "Files uploaded to F2" window. You can find current file versions (1) and upload new files and file versions (2). You can also open the "Version history" window (3) where you can version control your organisation’s uploaded files.

file upload dialogue index
Do not upload a file directly to an F2 production environment before the file has been tested in an F2 test environment and possibly an F2 pre-production environment. This way you can catch any issues that could cause an existing case guide to fail in the test phase.