File management

All file management takes place in the "Files uploaded to F2" window. Click Upload file on the "Settings" tab to open the window. This requires the "Can upload files" privilege.

Figure 1. The ”Upload file” menu item on the ”Settings” tab

The window contains an overview of files that have been uploaded to F2. The window’s columns (1) show e.g. which user has performed a file action and when. In the window, you can upload a new file and manage existing files via the window’s menu items (2). You can switch between active files and files that have been deactivated using the tabs "Active" and "Inactive" (3).

Figure 2. The ”Files uploaded to F2” window

The window contains five menu items. They are described in the following table.

Menu item Description

"Upload new files"

Click Upload new files to open a dialogue for uploading files.

If you want to upload a new version of a file, also use this menu item.

"Download file"

Click Download file to download the newest version of a file. This way you are always working with the current version of the file.

"Version history"

Opens the "Version history" window for a file. Here you can find version control features, such as making an older version of the file active.


Click Deactivate to make a file inactive. You can add a comment in the "Deactivate file" dialogue before clicking Execute to deactivate the file.

Figure 3. The ”deactivate file” dialogue

When a file is deactivated, you can find it in the overview on the "Inactive" tab. From here, you can activate the file by clicking on Activate.

"Open latest upload report"

Opens the upload report for the file you have selected in the overview.

With certain file actions, you receive a report in the form of a record in your inbox. The record contains information about whether your action has been completed or encountered errors. An upload report is generated for the following file actions:

  • Upload of a file.

  • Deactivation or activation of a file.

  • Rollback of a file to a previous version.

Note that the "Files uploaded to F2" window only registers file actions that were completed successfully. You can only access upload reports for completed actions via the menu item.

Columns in the "Files uploaded to F2" window

The window contains six columns, which display information about each file.

You can filter the file overview by using the filtering fields under the column headers. You can either write text in the fields or click the column header to sort in ascending or descending order.

The window’s columns are described in the following table.

Column Description


Shows the title of the file.


Shows the type of file that has been uploaded.


Shows the comment entered with the latest action on the file. The column displays the comment for the following file actions: Upload, deactivation or activation of a file, or that a file has been rolled back to a previous version.

"Latest upload by"

Shows the name of the user who has performed the latest action on the file. The column displays the username for the following file actions: Upload, deactivation or activation of a file, or when a file has been rolled back to a previous version.

"Upload date"

Shows when the most recent action on the file has taken place. The column displays the time of the following file actions: Upload, deactivation or activation of a file, or a file being rolled back to a previous version.


Shows the file’s current version number.