Upload file to F2

Upload files via the "Upload file to F2" dialogue. Here you can upload new files and new versions of existing files.

Open the dialogue by clicking on Upload new files in the "Files uploaded to F2" dialogue.

Figure 1. The ”Upload new files” menu item in the ”Files uploaded to F2” dialogue
Do not upload a file directly to an F2 production environment before the file has been tested in an F2 test environment and possibly an F2 pre-production environment. This way you can catch any issues that could cause an existing case guide to fail in the test phase.

Upload new file

Upload a new file via the "Upload file to F2" dialogue.

Figure 2. The ”Upload file to F2” dialogue

How to upload new files to F2:

  • Select the type of file in the "File type" drop-down menu (1).

  • Click on Choose files (2) and choose the file from its location on your PC.

  • Enter a comment in the ”Comment” field (3), e.g. ”Testing case guide X” or ”Changes to self-service Y”.

  • Click on Upload (4) to upload the design template to F2.

F2 loads and validates the design template, and you receive a record in your inbox when F2 has finished loading.

Upload new file version

Upload of a new version of an existing file the same way you would upload a new file. Ensure that the new file version has the same name as the file you wish to update.

When uploading the new file version, F2 will then overwrite the existing file. Version history will log that the file in question now exists in a new version.

Upload errors

File upload validates the file before it is placed on the servers. If there are errors in the file, such as errors in an external ID in a Service Builder design template, you will receive an error message upon loading, and the upload will not be completed. The error message will appear in the ”Uploading file failed” dialogue, and you also receive it as a record in your inbox.

Figure 3. Error message when uploading a Service Builder design template

Correct the error in the file and upload it again.