F2 FOI Request, Advanced

The F2 FOI Request, Advanced add-on module supports your work with FOI requests. The add-on lets you collect cases and records as the basis for the report, allows you to you adjust their content without affecting the originals, and lets you generate draft reports to ensure the appropriate layout and detail level. The add-on thus supports the entire process from receiving the FOI request to the completed FOI request report.

Your work with advanced FOI requests is done from the case window’s "FOI" tab. You can either create a new FOI request case, meaning the tab is visible from the start, or add the tab to an existing case if you wish to use this case as a basis for the report.

The ability to generate full overviews of the selected materials regardless of their original case associations makes it easy to generate draft reports for the purpose of internal approval.

Work on the “FOI” tab

The “FOI” tab in the case window is depicted below. From here you can work with the FOI request report from the first searches for material to generating reports and finalising the FOI request.

foi tab in case window numbers
Figure 1. The “FOI” tab in the case window

This is how you navigate and work on the tab:

  1. At the top is the ribbon containing menu items relevant to your work. They allow you to adjust and generate FOI request reports among other things.

  2. Below the ribbon is the result list. The list contains the FOI request elements that make up the basis of the request. It is possible to see which elements have been included and excluded in the FOI request.

  3. The result list groups FOI request elements by case number.

  4. A separate group exists for records without cases.

  5. You can customise the columns of the result list. Use the content filters below the column titles to filter the displayed content, e.g. by entering text or selecting an option from a column’s drop-down menu.

  6. A preview of the selected FOI request element is shown to the right.