Working with the FOI request report

This page explains how to create an FOI request report from the basis of an FOI. The section also describes the different detail levels available in an FOI request report.

Create an FOI request report

Once the content of the FOI request is selected, click on Create FOI Request in the “FOI” tab. It is possible to continue working in F2 while the FOI request report is generated.

create foi request menu item open
Figure 1. Create FOI request

The progress of the PDF creation is displayed by a status bar at the bottom right corner of the FOI window.

Figure 2. The status bar

Once F2 has generated the FOI request, the user is notified that the FOI request report is ready in “My inbox”.

Figure 3. Message regarding the ready FOI request

The FOI request report is attached to the record. See the example below.

foi request report in inbox
Figure 4. The FOI request report in an inbox

A new FOI request report can be created if further editing or another type of FOI request is needed. Click on Create FOI request on the “FOI” tab in the case window to create another FOI request report.

The user can process the FOI request just like any other record. It may be forwarded or the responsibility may be allocated to a colleague. The user can also send the FOI request for approval using the F2 Approvals add-on.

The content of the FOI request report

The FOI request report always contains a summary of records divided by cases. The FOI request report can be adjusted with different detail levels for the included records and FOI request elements. Read more about editing the FOI request report.

Figure 5. Record summary in the FOI request report

The different fields in the record summary are described below.

Field Description

“Record no.”

When a record is registered, it is assigned a record number. The record number appears in this field.

Once an FOI request report is generated, its elements can be sorted by record number. Unregistered records do not have a record number and are therefore listed separately either before or after records with a record number. Read more about sorting FOI request elements.


The date in this field corresponds to the letter date of the record, if available. Otherwise the field shows the creation date of the record.


The “Title” field shows the record’s title.

“Record ID”

Every record in F2 has a unique record ID. The record ID appears in this field.


The “#” field shows how many related documents that are attached to the record. This includes the record document along with any documents, annotations, etc., that are attached to the record.


If a comment has been added to a record in the basis of the FOI request, it appears in this field. Read more about comments.

Edit the FOI request report

To edit the FOI request report before it is created, click on Edit FOI request in the ribbon of the “FOI” tab.

edit foi request menu item
Figure 6. Edit FOI request

The “Edit FOI request” dialogue opens. Here unwanted content can be removed, the FOI request type can be selected, and the filtering of the FOI request can be adjusted.

A default setup for the “Edit FOI request” dialogue can be configured on an installation level.

Figure 7. The “Edit FOI request” dialogue

The available functions in the “Edit FOI request” dialogue are described below.

Function Description

“Remove unwanted content”

A filter can be set up to automatically remove unwanted content from the FOI request report. Unwanted content may be confidential or irrelevant information which the filter then excludes from the FOI request report. The configuration is performed in cooperation with cBrain.

To enable the filter, tick the “Remove unwanted content” box. Click the question mark icon next to the box to see what the filter removes. This opens the window on the figure below.

Figure 8. FOI request filter

“When a new FOI request is created”

Have F2 either create a new record or overwrite the existing record when creating a new FOI request report.

Figure 9. Drop-down menu for the field “When a new FOI request is created”

“Record title”

Specify a title for the FOI request report. Your organisation can decide on a default title.

“FOI Request type”

Select which type of FOI request report to create. The type determines the report’s level of detail:

  • Full FOI request

  • Overview: Cases, records and documents, etc.

  • Overview: Cases and records

  • Overview: Cases and records (compact).

The different detail levels are described here.


Select a template on which to base the report. A standard template is the default choice. If the FOI request report must adhere to a specific template customised to the single organisation, it is chosen here.

Figure 10. Drop-down menu for the “Template” field
Only one template is available by default. The drop-down menu is only shown if other templates have been created. New templates are configured in cooperation with cBrain.

“Sort column”

Select the sequence by which to sort the FOI request report elements. Choose between the following columns:

  • Title

  • ID no.

  • Letter date

  • Record number.

“Sort sequence”

Sort the chosen column by the following values:

  • Ascending

  • Descending.

“Separate per case”

Tick this box to split the FOI request report into one PDF document per case.

“Remove duplicate documents”

Tick this box to remove all duplicates from the FOI request report.

Detail levels for the FOI request report

The next sections describe each of the detail levels available in an FOI request report. The table below shows the difference between the four detail levels. Each detail level is described further in the subsequent sections.

Detail level Description

Full FOI request

Provides a list of the records that make up the basis of the FOI request.

Documents, requests, annotations, and comments are included in full.

Overview: Cases, records and documents, etc.

Provides an overview of the records that make up the basis of the FOI request.

Provides an overview of documents, requests, annotations and comments but does not include their content.

Overview: Cases and records

Provides an overview of the records that make up the basis of the FOI request.

Overview: Cases and records (compact)

Provides an overview of the records that make up the basis of the FOI request with no page breaks.

Full FOI Request

Select “Full FOI request” to create an FOI request that shows the included FOI request records divided by case.

This detail level also contains all the included FOI request elements in full, including documents, requests, annotations, and any comments.

example full foi request report
Figure 11. Example of a full FOI request report

Overview: Cases, records and documents, etc.

Select “Overview: Cases, records and documents, etc.” to create an overview of the included FOI request records divided by case. This detail level also provides an overview of each record’s documents, annotations, and requests, but their contents aren’t shown. If a comment was added to an FOI element, the comment is shown in full.

Figure 12. Example of an FOI request report showing cases, records, documents, etc.

Overview: Cases and records

Select “Overview: Cases and records” to get an overview of the included FOI request records divided by case. This detail level excludes the overview of documents, annotations, requests, and their content.

example foi request report cases records
Figure 13. Example of an FOI request report showing cases and records

Overview: Cases and records (compact)

Select “Overview: Cases and records (compact)” for an overview of the included FOI request records divided by case. This detail level removes all unnecessary page breaks and provides a compact overview.

This detail level is suitable to use when discussing which elements to include in the FOI request report.

example foi request report compact
Figure 14. Example of a compact FOI request report