Create new FOI request

To create a new FOI request case: Select one or more records in the main window’s result list by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the relevant records. Then click on New FOI Request in the main window’s ribbon or in the context menu select New and then New FOI request.

It is not necessary to find all the needed records before generating the FOI request case as records can also be added later.

create foi request main window
Figure 1. Create a new FOI request from the main window

The “New FOI request” dialogue opens and the FOI request can be given a title.

new foi request dialogue
Figure 2. The “New FOI Request” dialogue
Depending on F2’s setup, adding a file plan number, action code, disposal code, or a case type and/or a case guide may be required when generating a new FOI request case. It may also be possible to select a case template that determines which metadata fields are mandatory.

An FOI request is created as a case in F2. Click on OK to open the FOI request as a case. The case consists of copies of the records that were selected in the main window.

The records added to this case constitute the basis of the FOI request. The final request report can be adjusted before it is generated.

When a record is added to an FOI request case, all its attached elements such as documents, annotations, and requests are added as well. Chats and notes on the record are not included.

Active and completed FOI request cases

FOI request cases are accessed from the navigation bar on the left side of the main window. Click on the navigation line shortcut image7 below the main window ribbon to show the list of active FOI request cases. Double-click or right-click on an FOI request case to open it. FOI request cases can be added to “Favourites” using the context menu.

Click on Completed FOI Requests to see all completed FOI request cases. The context menu options for completed FOI request cases are the same as for active ones.

foi lists main window
Figure 3. Navigate to active and completed FOI requests in the main window
A user can only see the FOI request cases to which they have write access, i.e. the user must be involved or specified as a supplementary case manager. Cases with access set to the user’s unit or to “All” are also displayed.