Menu items on the “FOI” tab

The menu items for working with an FOI request are located in the ribbon of the “FOI” tab.

foi tab ribbon
Figure 1. Menu items on the “FOI” tab

The menu items on the “FOI” tab are described below.

Function Description

goto menu

Navigate between the main, case, and record windows by clicking on the corresponding menu item.

The Record menu item is only active if a record is open.

Click on the Case drop-down menu to navigate to the case participants.


Add one or more records to the basis of the FOI request.


Import records and FOI request elements from another FOI request.


Include or exclude a record, document, or another FOI request element such as an annotation from the FOI request.


Extract an FOI request element by exporting the element from F2. This may be used to remove sensitive personal data from the FOI request. Click on Export PDF to export the element. Once the element is exported it can be edited as needed.

Once the element has been extracted it must be imported back to F2. Click on Import PDF to import the edited element.


Add a comment to the FOI request element. This may be used to add the reason why a record or a document was excluded or extracted.


To remove a record from the FOI request, select it and click on Remove record. The record and all its attached FOI request elements are then removed from the result list. This function is useful if a record has accidentally been included in the FOI request.


The selected document is identified as the original document for duplicates (identical documents).


To open a document from the result list, select a valid FOI request element and click Open document or press Enter.


To generate the FOI request report, click on Create FOI request. Once F2 has generated the FOI request report, it appears in “My inbox” as an unread record.

To adjust the FOI request report before it is generated, click on Edit FOI request. The following dialogue opens:

Figure 2. The “Edit FOI request” dialogue

In the dialogue unwanted content can be removed, the FOI request type can be selected, and the sorting of the FOI request report can be determined.


Click on Copy FOI request to copy the FOI request to a new case using the dialogue displayed below.

Figure 3. The “Copy FOI request” dialogue


Once a record is selected from the basis of the FOI request, the History item becomes active. Click on it to open a dialogue that shows if the record is part of other FOI requests.

Figure 4. The “History” dialogue
It is also possible to display the “History” column in the result list.


Click to export the records that make up the basis of the FOI request to Excel as a CSV file.


To complete the FOI request, click on Complete FOI request.

Click Yes to complete the FOI request. It is then no longer possible to create an FOI request report or to edit the basis of the FOI request.


To remove the FOI request from the case, click on Remove FOI.

This menu item is only active when the basis of the FOI request is empty.