F2 FOI Request configuration options

F2 FOI Request can be configured to fit the needs of the individual organisation. The following can be configured in cooperation with cBrain:

  • Select a default setup for the “FOI” dialogue. This means that FOI request reports are generally generated using the same setup in the entire F2 installation. However, users can still adjust individual FOI request reports themselves if necessary.

  • Add a filter that automatically removes unwanted content, such as records or files with certain titles, before the FOI request report is generated.

  • Define what constitutes an empty record document in F2. An empty record document appears as an empty page when the FOI request report is generated. This can be avoided if the organisation defines the content of an empty record document. In that case, F2 automatically removes any empty pages from the FOI request report. This filter is invisible to individual users.

  • Decide what text appears on the black bar at the top of each appendix when the FOI request report is generated.

  • Define a standard layout for the FOI request report including a standard front page.

  • Make it possible to attach new FOI request reports to existing cases.

The above list of configurations is not exhaustive. cBrain recommends that all configurations are made in cooperation with cBrain.