F2 Gateway Approvals

F2 Gateway Approvals is an add-on module that enables a gatekeeper (typically a secretariat) to manage and quality assure approval processes for one or more gated approvers (e.g. executive managers).

The add-on consists of a special setup of F2, which detains approvals so they are not sent to and from F2 Manager 2 on iPad automatically. Instead the approvals first reach a gatekeeper on F2 Desktop. The gatekeeper can then sort, prioritise, and quality assure approvals before and after they land on the step of the gated approver.

The content of this manual is tailored to F2 Manager 2. If you are using F2 Gateway approvals with F2 Manager, you can read more here.

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Gateway approval roles

The term gated approver is used to refer to a user whose approvals are managed by e.g. a secretariat, while gatekeeper refers to the user or unit who does the managing.

Manage approvals

There are two ways to manage an approval:

  • Directly (regular approvals).

  • Through the gatekeeper function.

A regular approval process contains, for example, three approval steps, with the third approver making the final approval:

Figure 1. Regular approval process

When approvals are managed using the gatekeeper function, the approval process may change. If the process contains a gated approver, the process will look something like this:

Figure 2. Approval process with gatekeeper

With the addition of a gatekeeper, the approval goes through the gatekeeper both before and after processing by the gated approver.