Set up the approval gateway

In order to use F2 Gateway Approvals, two requirements must be met:

  1. A user with the "User administrator" privilege must assign the "Gated approver" default role to the user acting as approver.

  2. A gatekeeper must be assigned "On behalf of" rights for the gated approver.

Read more about assigning roles.

For organisations that have used the gatekeeper function prior to F2 version 9, no changes to the setup are necessary.

Choose a default gated approver

Gatekeepers who handle approvals on behalf of more than one gated approver can choose a default gated approver. The default gated approver’s data appear in the columns "Days to gateway sorting deadline", "Gateway flag", "Gateway location", and "Gateway sorting deadline" when the columns are added to non-gateway lists.

To choose a default gated approver, go to the "Settings" tab in the main window and click Setup. In the "Setup" dialogue, select the "User" tab and choose a default gated approver under "Approvals".

Figure 1. Default gated approver