Synchronisation reports

Synchronisation issues between F2 Desktop and F2 Manager 2, which require manual handling, may sometimes occur. A synchronisation issue can arise due to network issues while the approval changes steps, or if a record has been locked by another user. In these circumstances, F2 generates a synchronisation report which the gatekeeper must handle.

Gated approvers do not receive notifications regarding synchronisation issues.

sync report notification
Figure 1. Synchronisation report notification

The gatekeeper is informed of the synchronisation report through a note on the affected record. The report contains details about the synchronisation issue.

It is also possible to access a record’s synchronisation reports from the "Gateway approvals" tab by clicking the Synchronisation reports menu item. When there are unhandled synchronisation reports, a red exclamation mark appears on the menu item’s icon.

menu item syn reports highlighted
Figure 2. The "Synchronisation reports" menu item on the "Gateway approvals" tab

Click the Synchronisation reports menu item to open a dialogue that provides an overview of all synchronisation reports on that approval. From the dialogue it is possible to open a synchronisation report in a separate record window or to mark it as resolved.

sync reports dialogue
Figure 3. The "Synchronisation reports" dialogue

The proper handling of the issue depends on the specific situation described in the report. For example, it may be advisable to check the date and time in the synchronisation report to determine whether it is a current situation or an incident that occurred at an earlier time. It may also be advantageous to verify whether there is consistency between the gated approver’s action and comment in the synchronisation report and the information currently visible to the gatekeeper.