Context menus in the main window

In F2 it is possible to perform a number of tasks directly from the main window. The context menus of records, cases, and documents provide access to relevant functions. You can also execute mass operations by selecting multiple items before right-clicking.

The next sections describe the functions that can be accessed via the context menus and preview of the main window. The number of available functions for each user depends on the organisation’s setup and said user’s privileges in F2.

The record context menu

Right-click any record in the main window’s result list to access the following functions:

Icon Function Description


Open record

Opens the record window of the record selected in the result list.


Open case

Opens the case window of the case to which the selected record is attached.



Creates a new:

  • Record image

  • Email image

  • Document image

  • Approval image

  • Digital Post image

  • e-Boks image

  • M4 mail image

  • Output manager image

  • FOI request image

  • Chat image

  • Chat to all image



This function is active when an incoming email or record that has been sent internally in F2 is selected in the result list.

To reply to the sender, click on:

  • Reply image

  • Reply and include attachments image – i.e. keep any received attachments in the email when replying.



This function is active when an incoming email or record that has been sent internally in F2 is selected in the result list.

The function opens a new record that is attached to the email to be forwarded.


Mark as read/unread

Any record can be marked as either read or unread. Records that are read are displayed in a normal font, while unread records are displayed in a bold font.

Records sent to units may behave differently regarding read-markings. Read more about unit lists and their contents.


Personal control

F2 shows the menu items for personal control when a user selects a record in the result list, opens a record, or becomes otherwise involved in it.

These menu items are meant to assist the user in working on the record.

The user can choose to include the record in either or both of their personal lists:

  • Show in “My inbox”.

  • Show on “My desktop”.


Flag (me)

(Personal flag)

As part of the personal control a user can set a personal flag on a record. The flag can help the user manage their work on the record. The personal flag can only be seen by the user themself.

If the number of flags in the installation exceeds a certain limit, the function opens a dialogue for selecting a flag. The flag limit is configured in cooperation with cBrain.


Flag (unit)

(The unit’s flag)

Records that automatically appear in the unit’s inbox have a menu item for unit control. This lets the users in the unit set a unit flag to help manage the unit’s work.

The unit flag can only be seen by users in the unit.

You can only set the unit flag for you current unit.

If the number of flags in the installation exceeds a certain limit, the function opens a dialogue for selecting a flag. The flag limit is configured in cooperation with cBrain.


Rename record

Opens a dialogue where you can update the title of the record.


Delete record

Deletes the selected record if the user has the permission to do so. A deleted record is moved to “My deleted records”.

In cooperation with the organisation, cBrain configures how long a deleted record will stay in “My deleted records”.

An unshared record can be deleted from F2.

A record that is or has been shared can only be deleted from F2 by users with the “Can delete shared records for everyone” privilege. Users without this privilege cannot delete e.g. an internal email record or a record containing a chat, even if the chat has been deleted.


Move to private

Moves the selected records from the result list to the “My private records” list.


Move to library

Moves the selected records from the result list to the library.


Access control

This function is used to change the access level on the chosen record. F2 operates with three access levels:

  • “Involved”: The content of the record can only be seen by users who are involved in the record e.g. via participation in a chat.

  • “Unit”: The content of the record can be seen and edited by involved users plus all users in the same unit as the user responsible for the record.

  • “All”: The content of the record can be seen by everyone in the organisation.


Show access information

Shows which users have:

  • Read access.

  • Write access to documents.

  • Full write access.


Add record to case

Adds the record(s) selected in the result list to the case without opening the record(s).

The function can also be used to copy a record to several cases with one action.

If more than one record is selected in the main window, it is only possible to move them to one case. The records cannot be copied to multiple cases.


Remove record from case

Removes the record(s) from a case without opening said record(s).


Add keywords

Adds one or more keywords to the record.


Select as answer record to a request

Designates a record as a reply to an existing request.


Register record

Deregister record

Registers/deregisters the selected record.

If the record is attached to a case, it is given a record number on the case upon registration.

If the record is not attached to a case, the record is registered and will be given a record number if it is later attached to a case.

A registered record can be completed at any time. It does not need to be attached to a case.


External access

Shares the selected record with external participants. Depending on F2’s configuration, the user can choose between:

  • Open

  • Partly open

  • Closed.


Set record to ‘Complete’

Sets one or more records from the result list as complete. If all selected records are already complete, only the “Reopen record” function is active.

This function is related to:

  • The status of the record (in progress/completed)

  • The status on the unit’s case line for records sent internally to the unit.


Reopen record

Reopens one or more records in the result list.


Add supplementary case manager

Adds one or more supplementary case managers to the record.


Change responsible

Changes the responsible user/unit on the record.


Personal reminder

  • Add personal reminder image
    A user can create a personal reminder on a record. Personal reminders automatically pop up at the chosen time.

  • Edit personal reminder image
    Edit the personal reminder.

  • Delete personal reminder image
    Delete the personal reminder.


Show notification

This function shows any notifications on a record, such as when you have been added as a supplementary case manager, or if an approval flow requires your approval.



A report is created by selecting records in the result list. This function lets the user do the following:

  • Create FOI request image
    The Freedom of Information request report can be adjusted by deselecting records and documents before the final version is created.

    It is possible to comment on each individual document that has been selected.

    Read more about this function under FOI Request.

  • Create report image
    Generate a report based on the selected records as a new record or a PDF. The report provides an overview of records and their attachments including their content and metadata.

  • Export to Excel image
    Export the selected records to Excel as a report. This means that F2 only exports metadata from the selected list’s columns.


Copy link to this record

Copies the record ID which can then be inserted into other records.


Remove from Outbox

Removes failed deliveries from the outbox. The delivery will still be located in the “Archive”.

The menu item is only available in the “Outbox” list.


Export search result to Excel

Exports a search result to Excel where it can then be processed. This function can be used in connection with FOI requests.



The All participants on these records function is used to search for the participants involved in one or more of the records selected in the result list.

Click on Reload related searches to update the related search options that have been set up for your organisation.

Case help for right-click functions

It is possible to turn on case help for right-click functions for records in the main window. This is configured in cooperation with cBrain. Per default, the case help for right-click functions is enabled.

The “Case help” dialogue is displayed when the following right-click functions are performed on a record in the main window:

  • Access control

  • Add record to case

  • Remove record from case

  • Register record

  • Deregister record

  • External access

  • Set record to ‘Complete’

  • Reopen record

  • Add supplementary case manager

  • Change responsible.

The case context menu

Right-click any case in the main window’s result list to access the following functions:

Icon Function Description


Open case

Opens the case window for the selected case.



Creates a new:

  • Record image

  • Email image

  • Document image

  • Approval image

  • Digital Post image

  • e-Boks image

  • M4 Mail image


Set case to ’Complete’

Changes the case status from “In progress” to “Completed”.


Reopen case

Changes the case status from “Completed” to “In progress”.


Change responsible

Changes the responsible user/unit on the case.


Add supplementary case manager

Adds one or more supplementary case managers.


Add participants

Adds one or more participants to the case.


Add access restriction

This function allows the user to add security groups, units, teams or users to the access restriction on the chosen case.


Add keyword

Adds one or more keywords to the case.


Set new deadline

Sets a new deadline for the chosen case. If a new deadline is not chosen, the current deadline will be removed from the case.


Change journal plan

Sets a new file plan for the selected case. This function is connected to the module F2 Task Guides.


Set progress code

Sets a new progress code for the selected case.

If the number of progress codes in the installation exceeds a certain limit, the function opens a dialogue for selecting a progress code. The progress code limit is configured in cooperation with cBrain.


Set external access

Shares the selected record with external participants. Depending on the configuration the user can choose:

  • Open

  • Partly open

  • Closed.


Copy link to this case

Copies a hyperlink to the case that can be pasted into records or cases.


Export search result to Excel

Exports a given search result to Excel, where it can then be processed. This function can for example be used in connection with FOI requests.



The function All participants on these cases is used to search for the participants that are involved in one or more of the cases selected in the result list.

Click on Reload related searches to update the related search options that have been set up for your organisation.

The document context menu

Right-click any document in the main window’s result list to access the following functions:

Icon Function Description


Show PDF

Opens the selected document as a PDF file.



Opens the selected document in the mode chosen during setup. The icon changes depending on the file format, e.g. PDF or Word.


Export file…

Saves the document to the user’s computer.


Open record

Opens the record to which the document is attached.


Open case

Opens the case to which the document is attached.



Opens the “Properties” dialogue that shows the document’s properties.


Copy link to document

Copies a hyperlink to the record to which the document is attached.

This hyperlink can be pasted into other records, case metadata or notes, chats, annotations, etc. Read more about using document hyperlinks.


Export search result to Excel

Exports a search result to Excel, where it can then be processed. This function can be used in connection with FOI requests.

Mass operations in the main window

It is possible to perform various mass operations in the main window. This is done by selecting several records, cases, or documents at the same time. With the items selected, right-click and choose one of the possible actions from the context menu.

When a mass operation is performed using the context menu in either the main or case window, a status bar appears in the bottom right corner. In the example below F2 is adding six records to a case.

Figure 1. The status bar for the “Adding records to case” mass operation
If a mass operation cannot be performed on one or more of the selected records/cases, a notification will appear. A notification is always shown when the actions “Reports”, “Merge to case participants” and “Close related records” have been completed.

The mass operation dialogue

If the user performs a mass operation in the main window with several records selected, and the case help has not been responded to for one or more of the records, a dialogue will appear.

The dialogue’s title is “Mass operations” followed by the operation that caused the dialogue to open, e.g. “Mass operations: Change responsible” or “Mass operations: Add records to case”.

Figure 2. The “Mass operations” dialogue

In this dialogue, the “Status” column provides a quick overview using colour coded icons. Any operation that could not be executed are shown at the top with a red icon. Operations that require the user to act have a yellow icon, and completed operations have a green icon. The “Description” column provides additional details on each record’s status.

Manage failed operations by selecting one or more records in the dialogue. Then select one of the available actions:

  • Respond to all: Respond to the case help for all relevant records, i.e. records with the yellow icon. This opens a new dialogue, “Suggested changes when saving a record”. See the section "Case help for mass operations" for more details.

  • Respond: Respond to the case help for the highlighted record(s). This opens a new dialogue, “Suggested changes when saving a record”. See the section Case help for mass operations for more details.

  • Open record: Open the highlighted record(s).

The “Status” for each record will change to the green icon after the case help has been carried out.

This dialogue appears even if the setting “Show warning when mass operations fail” has been disabled by the user.

Case help for mass operations

When selecting either Respond to all or Respond in the “Mass operations:” dialogue as described above, a new dialogue opens with suggested changes. In this dialogue, it is possible to automatically apply the changes to all subsequent records. Tick Apply to all subsequent records with this suggestion at the bottom of the dialogue to automatically repeat and respond to the case help.

Figure 3. Case help for multiple records

In the example above, the case help suggests marking the record for registration, adding it to a case, and changing the access level to “IT Office”. Tick Apply to all subsequent records with this suggestion and click OK to automatically resolve the case help for all failed records listed in the first dialogue.

Only identical suggestions are applied when clicking OK. Any case help with other suggestions, such as changing access to another unit or registering the record, will not automatically be resolved. In the same manner, clicking Ask again later or For this record do not ask again in the dialogue will only be applied to identical suggestions.

It is possible to hide the checkbox Apply to all subsequent records with this suggestion through a configuration. Configurations are performed in cooperation with cBrain.