Main window tabs

The different tabs of the main window are described below.

The “F2” tab

Click the “F2” tab in the top left of the main window to open the F2 menu. The menu contains several functions pertaining to the general use of F2.

Figure 1. The F2 menu

The F2 menu contains the following tabs:

Tab Description

“Working documents”

Provides an overview of open documents in F2 with pending changes that are not yet saved to the database.

"Document recovery"

View and recover record and approval documents with unsaved changes. You can compare the recovered changes to the active document before saving.

“Minimise all open records”

Minimises all open record windows.

“Close all open records”

Closes all open records. If an open record has unsaved changes, the dialogue “Save changes?” appears. After the user responds to this dialogue, the record will close.


Users with several job roles in F2, including on-behalf-of rights, can switch between roles here.

“System messages”

Provides an overview of previous and current system messages in F2.

“Mass operations”

Shows the last 20 mass operations executed by the user.

“About F2”

Information about version number, third-party libraries, etc. You can reassociate the F2 protocol (normally an f2p:// link) here. This is done to ensure that an F2 link opens in the correct F2 Desktop client, e.g. after switching between F2 production, archive or test systems.

“Keyboard shortcuts”

Opens a window displaying shortcuts available in F2.

“Send support information”

From here the user can send a log file and a description of any problems experienced to an administrator.

“Close F2”

Shuts down F2.

The F2 menu is also available in the record and case windows.

The “Main window” tab

All functions relevant to communication, processing, and managing records can be found in the ribbon of the “Main window” tab. For instance, you can add approvals and print documents from the ribbon.

Each menu item in the main window’s menu ribbon is described in more detail in Records, Managing records, and Searches.

Figure 2. The ribbon of the “Main window” tab

The “Settings” tab

Using the functions of the “Settings” tab, users can adjust F2 to their individual preferences with regard to preview placement and determine how F2 should handle a number of actions.

Read more in Settings and setup.

Figure 3. The ribbon of the “Settings” tab

The "Help" tab

On the "Help" tab you can find help functions for F2 including short-form articles about basic F2 use, and links to long-form content on F2 Docs. Read more in F2’s help tools.

Figure 4. The ribbon of the “Help” tab

User identification, image and role change

The user identification is found in the top right corner of F2’s main window.

The identification shows which user is currently logged into F2 as well as the user’s job role and unit. The image below identifies the current user as Ireene Todd from the IT Office unit.

Figure 5. User identification

Click on the user identification to display a menu with the Change image and Change role functions. The latter requires the F2 Shared Mailboxes add-on module.

Read more about changing images in Settings and setup or about changing roles, also called “fast role change”, in Shared mailboxes (available in Danish).

The corresponding user identification and role change function can also be found in the record and case windows.