The F2 Manager 2 app

The F2 Manager 2 app is split into four different sections (1): Meetings, Approvals, Copy recipient, and Chats.

Each section contains a list of the content in the selected section (2), a search field (3), content preview (4), a ribbon with functions relevant to the selected content (5), and an overview of metadata for the selected content (6).

Figure 1. Structure of the F2 Manager 2 app

Press Full screen in the ribbon to display the selected content in the preview on the entire screen. Press Split screen to return to the default view.

Figure 2. Full screen display

You can use F2 Manager 2 in both horizontal and vertical format.

Push notifications

F2 Manager 2 supports push notifications, ensuring you continuously receive notifications about new activities and updates in F2 Manager 2. Push notifications are received when:

  • An approval reaches a step where you are an approver or copy recipient.

  • You receive a chat on an approval.

  • You receive a chat on an agenda item in a meeting that is available on F2 Manager 2.

Push notifications also show the title of the approval or agenda item.

Figure 3. Push notifications from F2 Manager 2