Copy recipient in F2 Manager 2

F2 Manager 2 gives you access to active approvals where you are a copy recipient. An approval is transferred to F2 Manager 2 when it is sent to a step where you are a copy recipient. The approval disappears from F2 Manager 2 when you mark it as read or after 30 days.

Tap Copy recipient at the bottom of the ribbon on F2 Manager 2 to display a list of all available approvals.

Figure 1. Overview of copy recipient approvals

On the left you can see a list of transferred approvals (1). You can search for approvals using the search field above the list (2). When you tap an approval in the list, the approval document will be displayed in a preview on the right (3). Above the preview are functions for processing the approval (4). Above these functions are the metadata of the selected approval such as title, deadline, and record ID for the record associated with the approval (5).

If you are a gated approver, your gatekeeper will select which approvals are transferred to F2 Manager 2. Some approvals may not be transferred to F2 Manager 2 even though you are a copy recipient on the current step of the approval. Read more about the F2 Gateway Approvals add-on.

The approvals list for copy recipients

Approvals are displayed in the approvals list with title, deadline, and the number of attached documents. The list is sorted by approval deadline. If there are multiple approvals with the same deadline, they are grouped. The deadline and the number of approvals in the grouping are shown in the grey band above a group of approvals.

Figure 2. The copy recipient approvals list

Approvals marked "Urgent" are placed at the top of the list. Approvals without a deadline are placed at the bottom of the list. Approvals that are both marked "Urgent" and have a deadline are placed in the "Urgent" group.

Search for approvals

You can search for approvals using the search field above the approvals list. You search by the title of the approval.

Figure 3. Search for approvals

Copy recipient ribbon functions

The ribbon above the preview contains menu items for working with the approval as a copy recipient.

Figure 4. Functions in the copy recipient ribbon

When the ribbon is shortened, the menu items are gathered in the "More" drop-down menu.

The functions are as follows:

Function Description

"Full screen"

Display the selected content on the entire screen.

"Split screen"

Restore the default view.


Open the selected document in annotation mode.

"Hide annotations"/"Show annotations"

Toggle annotation visibility in the selected document. The menu item is only visible for annotated documents.

"New chat"

Create a new chat on the approval.

"Mark as read"

Open a dialogue where you can mark the approval as read.

Read and annotate approval

You can read and annotate approvals on F2 Manager 2 before processing them. As a copy recipient you have the same options as an approver:

Process approval as a copy recipient

You can process approvals on F2 Manager 2 as a copy recipient by commenting and marking the approval as read.

Figure 5. Copy recipient processing options
When you process an approval as a copy recipient and gated approver, your gatekeeper may apply or adjust your comment or decision to mark it as read before the approval is sent to the relevant approval step. Read more about F2 Gateway Approvals.

Tap Mark as read in the ribbon to mark the selected approval as read. A dialogue opens where you can add a comment.

Figure 6. Mark approval as read

Tap OK to mark the approval as read.

Tap Cancel if you do not wish to mark the approval as read.

Chat from an approval as a copy recipient

You can chat from approvals where you are a copy recipient on the current step.