Offline functionality in F2 Manager 2

With F2 Manager 2, it is possible to open and process meetings and approvals while offline despite a poor or lacking internet connection.

The synchronisation queue tracks offline actions

F2 Manager 2 notifies you at the top if the app is offline. Actions performed in F2 Manager 2 while offline are automatically queued on the device. Once online again, the queued actions are automatically executed.

Figure 1. F2 Manager 2 when offline

Multiple actions made on the same approval or agenda item will be carried out in the order in which they were performed offline.

Multiple actions made on different approvals and agenda items are carried out in parallel when F2 Manager 2 is online again.

Handling synchronisation problems

There may be instances where a synchronisation conflict arises, e.g. in the handling of approvals. This can happen for several reasons. Most often, it is due to changes being made in F2 Desktop while F2 Manager 2 was offline.

For example, if F2 Manager 2 were offline while you processed an approval on a flight, and the approval were changed in F2 Desktop in the meantime, a synchronisation conflict arises in F2 Manager 2 once you are online again. This is because F2 Manager 2 cannot deliver the approval, as it may already have been approved or returned by another user in F2 Desktop.

If synchronisation problems occur, F2 Manager 2 will notify you at the top of the screen. Here you can address the issue by completing the original action or opening the approval.

Figure 2. Process a synchronisation issue
On installations with the F2 Gated Approvals add-on, synchronisation issues of gated approvers are communicated directly to their gatekeeper.