Working with documents in the app

In F2 Manager it is possible to navigate and work with documents by e.g. searching for and adding annotations to documents.

A document in F2 Manager can be scrolled through just like in other PDF viewing programmes. If the document consists of multiple pages, a navigation bar can be displayed at the bottom of a page by tapping the document while in preview. See the figure below.

The navigation bar is used for scrolling through the document’s pages by sliding a finger across the page icons. Tapping a page also causes a page turn.

document page navigation
Figure 1. Page navigation

Miniature view for documents

A document consisting of multiple pages can also be displayed in a miniature view in F2 Manager. This makes it quick and easy to navigate the document.

Activate the miniature view in a document by tapping the previewed document and then the miniature icon image63.

Read a record document and its attachments in a single document

In F2 Manager, a record and its attachments can be collected in one read-only document. This is especially useful if a user is attending a meeting and must read an agenda item that is more than a few pages long, along with several related attachments. Instead of reading several separate documents, they are all collected into a single, larger document that includes all of the records contents. The procedure for this is as follows:

  • Step 1: Select the agenda item (record) to be collected.

  • Step 2: Tap the document. The icons image65 appear at the top.

  • Step 3: Tap the read-only mode icon image66. The agenda item and its attachments are then collected in one document.

The agenda item list (records) on the left side always shows which document or attachment that is being viewed.

Tap the magnifying glass image67 on the menu bar in the upper right corner to perform a free-text search in all documents in F2 Manager. The availability of this function depends on the server’s configuration.

Add annotations

Annotate documents in F2 Manager in the following way:

  • Step 1: Select the document to annotate. A preview of the document is displayed to the right.

  • Step 2: Tap the annotation button image68 on the menu bar.

  • Step 3: Tap the wanted annotation function on the toolbar, e.g. the text highlighter image69.

  • Step 4: Run a finger over the text to highlight it.

  • Step 5: Tap the undo arrow undo icon to undo an annotation.

  • Step 6: Tap OK in the upper right corner when the annotation is finished. The annotation is then automatically saved to the server.

  • Step 7: Tap image70 on the menu bar at the top to switch between the original document and the annotated document.

Figure 2. Annotating a document

F2 Manager’s different annotation functions are described below:

Icon Function Description



Tap this icon to highlight text using different colours.

Press the icon, and several options appear that are all variations of the highlight function:


Highlight in colour (default).


Underline text with a straight line.


Underline text with a wavy line.


Strikethrough text.


Text box

Tap this icon to insert a text box in the document.

Press the icon, and several options appear that are all variations of the text box function:


Text box (default).


Text box with an arrow. The arrow can be moved.


Signature. Insert a saved or new signature in the document.


Yellow note

Tap this icon to insert a yellow note in a document. It is possible to write in the note.

Tap the document to close the note. Tap the note to open it again.


Write text/draw

Drawing tool (default). User a finger to write comments or draw circles, etc. in a document.



Tap this icon to highlight parts of a document using a finger.


Delete annotations

Tap this icon to delete all annotation or parts thereof in a document.

Annotations made by hand can be deleted either completely or partly.

Text boxes are deleted completely by using the eraser icon.


Select annotations

Tap this icon to select one or more annotations in a document. Annotations can e.g. be deleted or moved.

Locate annotations in large documents

It is possible to search for annotated pages.

  • Step 1: Tap the document in the preview image86 to view the annotated version of the document.

  • Step 2: Tap the miniature icon image63 to display a miniature view of the document’s pages.

  • Step 3: Tap the image87 button above the miniature view to view either all the document’s pages or only the pages containing annotations. Tap Annotated to only view annotated pages.

  • Step 4: A miniature view of all the annotated pages in the document is displayed.

The document view always starts in annotation mode in F2 Manager, if there are annotations in the document.
Figure 3. F2 Manager’s miniature view of annotated documents

It is also possible to view a list of annotations including the creation time and the name of the creator. Tap the book icon book icon to view the “Annotations” list. Swipe down on the list to show the search field.

Figure 4. Show and search in annotations

Annotations can be sorted or deleted from the list when the document is in annotation mode. Tap Edit in the overview. It is then possible to change the annotation order (1) and save the changes by tapping Done (2). You can also delete all annotations in the document (3) or delete a single one by swiping left on it and tap the Delete button (4).

document annotations list
Figure 5. Annotation list view

If a document, which was annotated in F2 Manager, is updated using F2 Desktop or F2 Touch, the annotated version is not updated. The changes in the document can be made available for annotation by deleting the old annotation document. Delete the annotation document by tapping the recycle bin icon image91. New annotations can then be performed in the updated document.

Delete annotations

It is possible to delete the entire annotation document in F2 Manager. This may be relevant if the original document was later updated or in connection with an approval process in which several approvers annotate and approve using F2 Manager. To ensure that the annotation document is associated with the current approver, any existing annotation documents should be deleted before the approver begins their work.

Delete document annotations in F2 Manager by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Select the document with annotations (the annotation document) to be deleted.

  • Step 2: View the annotated document in the preview by tapping image86 on the menu bar.

  • Step 3: Tap the recycle bin icon image91 at the top of the annotation document. If the recycle bin icon is not visible, it is not the annotation document that is being viewed.

  • Step 4: Tap Delete to confirm deletion of the annotated document.

Annotate a document in external application

Annotations can be made outside of F2 Manager. Tap the Document interaction image92 to open the document as a PDF file, or open the document’s attachment in the original file format (which depends on the configuration of the iPad). The document can then be edited in a third-party app. When editing is done, the document can be sent back to F2 Manager.

Figure 6. Document interaction options
The document’s text formatting may change when the document is sent to a third-party app and then back to F2 Manager.

Documents can be printed from F2 Manager. To do this, tap the Document interaction button image94 while the document is open.

Tap Open PDF to view the “Share” menu. From here it is possible to make the annotations editable after sharing, but this does not affect the printing process.

Figure 7. Document printing options

Select the wanted version of the document and tap Share. From the overview of apps to which the PDF can be shared, select Print.

Figure 8. Tap “Print” to share the PDF with a printer

Select a printer and the number of copies to print. Then tap Print again to carry out the printing job.

A printer must support AirPrint in order to communicate with the iPad.