Participant overview

All participants in F2 are collected in the participant register. In the register you can search for internal and external participants, view and update their contact information via the participant properties dialogue, and create new participants.

cBrain recommends a steady, ongoing maintenance and clean-up of the register to ensure up-to-date information.

You also access the participant register when you add participants via the "Choose participants" dialogue. You open the dialogue from fields on records, cases, chats, and notes when adding participants. Whenever you open the participant properties dialogue for a participant on a record or a case, the dialogue will display the participant’s information in the context of said record or case.

The participant register

F2 contains a shared participant register for the entire organisation with internal and external participants. The external participants in the register are both shared participants, accessible to all F2 users regardless of unit, and private participants only visible to you.

Open the participant register by clicking the Participant register icon icon participants above the lists in the left side of the main window. The list pane will then display the tree structure of the register, while the contents of the currently selected participant node will be shown in the result list.

participant register
Figure 1. F2’s participant register in the main window

You have different options for searching in the participant register. For instance, select a specific node in the tree structure and use a simple filtering or free-text search to find the relevant participant. You can also make advanced searches among all external participants.

The “Choose participants” dialogue

You can open the "Choose participants" search dialogue from metadata fields on records and cases and from the "Add participants" field on chats and notes. The dialogue displays the participant register including its tree structure and result list. Use the dialogue to perform advanced searches for participants in a large registry, or to keep track when adding multiple participants at once.

Click the participant icon icon participants in a field to open the dialogue. If you have "Choose one participant" selected (1), you can double-click on the relevant participant to add them to the field and simultaneously close the dialogue. This applies to both users, units, and external participants.

If you double-click a node in the tree structure instead of the result list, the setting switches to "Choose multiple participants" and the node is added to "Chosen participants".

If you have "Choose multiple participants" selected (1), the participant will be added to the "Chosen participants" field (2) when you double-click them. You can then add more users. You can also add multiple participants to "Chosen participants" simultaneously by selecting the relevant users and clicking Add participant(s) (4) in the dialogue ribbon.

Click on OK (3) when all desired participants have been selected. F2 will add them to the field and close the dialogue.

choose participants dialogue
Figure 2. Add chat participants from the participant register

Differences between "Choose participants" and "Choose participant"

Some fields can only be filled in with a singular participant. When you click the participant icon icon participants in these fields, the "Choose participant" dialogue opens. You can browse your organisation’s participant register and have some of the same options for adding participants to fields as in the "Choose participants" dialogue. However, there are also certain functional differences.

choose participant dialogue
Figure 3. The HR unit is selected in the "Choose participant" dialogue

You have fewer interaction options in the "Choose participant" dialogue. Since you cannot gather multiple participants in the "Chosen participants" field, you instead have the following options for selecting the one participant:

  • Select a participant in the result list and click OK in the ribbon.

  • Double-click a participant in the result list.

  • Double-click a node in the tree structure.

Upon selection the dialogue closes, and the participant is added to the field.