Manage participants

You can edit and delete external participants from the participant register. Editing or deleting any shared external participants within the "External participant" node requires the "Editor of participants" privilege. The work flow is the same for all external participants.

Maintenance of internal participants is done by administrators with the relevant privileges.

Right-click a participant in the register’s result list. You can also right-click in the list pane if the participant also serves as a node for other participants. The context menu is the same regardless of how you access it.

Figure 1. The participant context menu

The context menu offers the following maintenance options:

  • Ensure the participant is represented with a fitting image using Change image or Remove image.

  • A participant located in the wrong place of the hierarchy can be moved to a different node using Move participants.

  • Check and, if necessary, update the participant’s information by clicking Properties. This opens the participant properties dialogue.

  • Remove the participant completely from the register with Delete participants.

  • Click on Copy link to this participant to create a participant link that you can e.g. insert in emails, chats, and notes or use for a search.

Hold down Ctrl and select multiple participants in the result list before right-clicking to move or delete multiple participants at the same time.

Add or change image

It is possible to add, change, or remove images for users, units, and external participants in the participant register. To add or change an image, select Change image in the context menu of the participant in the participant register.

right click participant
Figure 2. The participant context menu

In the “Change image” dialogue, select an image from either a local or external drive using the Browse button. Use the zoom slider to adjust the size of the selected image. Then click on OK. The image is now added, replacing any previous image.

update image dialogue
Figure 3. The “Change image” dialogue

Move participants

You can move participants between nodes of the type they belong to. In other words, you can move participants from the "Private" node to any private subnodes you have created. The same applies to shared external participant nodes where you have the "Editor of participants" privilege.

Right-click one or more participants in the register (1) and select Move participants. The "Select new parent unit" dialogue opens. The dialogue shows the hierarchy where you can select a relevant node (2) and lets you search for a specific node if you know its name or email (3). Select the new location (4) and click OK to apply the move.

move participants
Figure 4. Move the selected participants to a subnode of "External participant"

Set up "Out of office" for units

You can set up "Out of office" for units. Right-click on a unit in the participant register to access the function.

unit not present
Figure 5. Set up 'Out of office' for unit

Click on Set up 'Out of office' to open the corresponding dialogue. Activate 'Out of office' for the unit by ticking the checkbox, and specify the desired period. You can type a date or choose one from the calendar. You can also write an auto-reply that users will receive when trying to contact the unit during the absence period.

Each sender only receives the auto-reply once.
unit not present dialogue
Figure 6. The "Set up 'Out of office'" dialogue

The function is available if you have the privilege "User administrator", "Unit administrator", or "Decentral unit and user administrator" for the unit or a parent unit. F2 can be configured to let you access the function for any units in which you have a job role. F2 is configured in cooperation with cBrain.

The participant properties dialogue

The participant properties dialogue provides you with an overview of all information about both internal and external participants. The dialogue is also where maintenance of external participants is done if you have the rights to do so. You can access the dialogue wherever a participant shows up in F2: Right-click them and select Properties.

The dialogue displays information on the participant in question sorted across several tabs. The titles and contents of said tabs depend on whether the participant is a user, a unit, or external.

Users are displayed with the following tabs:

  • The General tab contains fundamental information such as login and contact information.

  • The Private tab contains address and SSN.

  • The Other tab contains information on any email domains owned by the user, and the user’s setup as a participant in F2.

Units are displayed with the following tabs:

  • The General tab contains fundamental information such as placement in the organisation and contact information.

  • The Address tab contains address and website.

  • The Settings tab contains settings regarding synchronisation and email if any exist.

External participants are displayed with the following tabs:

  • The General tab contains fundamental contact information such as phone number and address.

  • The Identification tab contains information from external registries such as CPR.

  • The Other tab describes how the participant is set up in F2 and contains additional contact information including website.

This dialogue is also where you can take advantage of CPR integration (available in Danish) if it is available in your organisation.

When the participant dialogue is accessed from a record, F2 displays a message at the top of the dialogue to inform the user that the participant may have been updated later. The message also links to the participant in the register.

participant properties comparison
Figure 7. Properties as shown in the register and on the record respectively

The information displayed in this dialogue is configurable. Configurations are made in cooperation with cBrain.