Adding a record to a case

You can add records to existing cases and create new cases based on records. The following sections describe how a record is added to a case.

Adding a record to an existing case

A record in edit mode can be added to an open case by entering the case title or case number in the “Case” metadata field. When the user starts typing in the field, F2 starts searching for relevant cases.

It is possible to search for a case by clicking the case icon icon case in the “Case” metadata field. This opens the “Choose cases” dialogue from which the relevant case can be found. For further information on this dialogue, see the section The “Choose cases” dialogue.

When a case has been added to the “Case” metadata field, click Save in the record window ribbon. The record is then added to the case.

attach case
Figure 1. Add record to existing case
Suggestions in the “Case” field can be configured so they are more relevant to the individual user. The configuration is performed in cooperation with cBrain.
Through a configuration, it is possible to allow users to add records to closed cases. When enabled, the titles of closed cases are italicised. For more details on case configurations and closed cases, click here.

Adding a record to a new case

Creating a new case from the current record can be done in the following ways:

  • Type “new” or “+” in the “Case” metadata field and press Enter. This opens the “New case” dialogue as shown below.

  • Click the case icon icon case in the “Case” field. The “Choose cases” dialogue opens. In this dialogue, click New case. For further information, see the section The “Choose cases” dialogue.

Both ways lead the user to the following dialogue:

Figure 2. The “New case” dialogue

In the “New case” dialogue, the user enters the case title and other relevant metadata such as file plan, action code, disposal code, or case guide (add-on). Depending on F2’s configuration it may also be possible to choose a case template (add-on) that determines which metadata fields to fill in.

When the fields are filled in, click on OK to create the case. For further information on the case window and working with cases, see Cases.

Depending on F2’s configuration and the organisation’s guide lines, some fields may be obligatory. Certain fields may also be filled in automatically.

The “Choose cases” dialogue

Click the case icon icon case in the “Case” field on a record to open the “Choose cases” dialogue. This dialogue contains the same search options as F2’s main window. These are used for adding one or more cases.

select cases
Figure 3. The “Choose cases” dialogue

The “Search window” tab in the dialogue ribbon offers the following options:

Function Description


Click on OK when one or more cases have been selected in the result list or are displayed in the “Chosen cases” field. The record is then added to the chosen case or copied to the chosen cases.


Close the dialogue without adding the record to a case.


Open the “New case” dialogue from which a new case can be created.


Click Choose multiple cases to display the “Chosen cases” field. When this field is visible, the function is inactive regardless of the number of cases shown in “Chosen cases”.

F2 automatically switches when the user selects one or more cases and clicks Add case(s).

If all cases are removed from the “Chosen cases” field, F2 automatically switches back to Choose one case. This makes it easier to see if the record is being added to one or several cases.


Add the case(s) selected in the result list. The selected case(s) can be seen in the “Chosen cases” field in the dialogue ribbon shown in the “Chosen cases” field in the dialogue ribbon.


The “Chosen cases” field shows cases the user has selected.

If a record is already added to a case, that case is shown here when the dialogue is opened.

To remove a case from the field, click the icon delete next to its title.


Remove all cases from the “Chosen cases” field in the dialogue ribbon.


Perform an advanced search using metadata fields.

For further information, see Searches.

In the “Choose cases” dialogue the user can search for the cases to which the record must be added.

If the record must be added to a single case, select the case and double-click to transfer it to the record’s case field.

If the record must be copied to multiple cases, click Choose multiple cases in the dialogue ribbon. Then search for the relevant cases and add them to the “Chosen cases” field. Click on OK to add the cases to the record’s case field.

If several cases have been selected, a copy of the record is added to the second case, the third case, etc. This is shown in the dialogue below which opens when the record is saved via the record window ribbon.

Figure 4. The “Copy record to several cases” dialogue

Click on OK in the dialogue to copy the record to the selected cases.

To skip this dialogue in the future, tick the box next to “Do not ask before copying to cases” before clicking on OK.

A user may remove a record from a case and add it to another if they have full write access. A user may also remove a record from a case without adding it to a new case.

Records with copies on multiple cases

When a record has been copied to multiple cases, the user may view its copies in the record window. This is done by clicking on the cases icon icon cases next to the “Case” field.

see cases
Figure 5. View record copies on other cases

The “Copy overview” dialogue will open, showing all cases to which the record has been added. The overview shows the following information:

  • Case number

  • Case title

  • Record ID

  • Record title

  • Created (date)

  • Created by (user).

The blue highlight shows the record that is currently open.

Figure 6. “Copy overview” dialogue

It is possible to access the case or record copy by clicking on either case number or record ID.

Standard behaviour when closing cases

When a case is closed by a user with the necessary rights (write access to all records on the case), the case records are affected in the following ways:

  • All case records are completed.

  • The metadata and documents on the record cannot be edited further. Practically, this means the Edit menu item is disabled, which also disables editing the record document and sending the record as an email.

  • To reopen a record, its case must first be reopened. This requires the privilege “Reopener case”.