Creating a new record

Create a new record by clicking New record in the ribbon of either the main, record or case window.

create record
Figure 1. The “New record” menu item

This opens the following dialogue in which you must enter the basic information required to create the new record.

Figure 2. Creating a new record

Fill out the following fields:

Field Description


Enter the title of the record here.


Add an existing case to the record by entering the case number or case title in this field. It is possible to search for a case by clicking the case icon icon case.

A new case can also be created for the record. For further information on attaching records to cases, see Adding a record to a case.

Suggestions in the “Case” field can be configured so they are more relevant to the individual user. The configuration is performed in cooperation with cBrain.

“Use case number”

If this box is ticked, the new record is added to the case that was selected or open (possibly via another record) when the new record was created.

Manually delete the case number proposed by F2 to untick this box.

“Record attachments”

The following options are only active if the user has selected or opened a record before clicking on New record:

  • Do not attach: No records or record attachments are carried over to the new record.

  • Include attachments from the current record: Attachments from the selected or open record are copied to the new record when it is created.

  • Attach a copy of the current record: Attaches the record selected before the creation of the new record. This option attaches the documents and metadata of the record as a PDF file.

  • Attach current record as PDF: Compiles all documents of the record selected before the creation of the new record and attaches them as a PDF file.

“Relate the new record to the current record”

Tick this box to set the new record as answer record to the one selected or opened before clicking New record in the main, record or case window.

“Add approval”

Add an approval process to the record. Requires the F2 Approvals add-on module.

Click OK to open the record window.

To ensure that there are no records without titles in F2, a record cannot be saved or sent unless it has a title.

When a record cannot be saved, a warning icon appears in the upper right corner of the record window, next to the user identification. Hover the cursor over the icon for additional information.

untitled record warning
Figure 3. Warning on a new, untitled record

Set up record view

You can set up how the metadata fields of records are displayed. From the “Settings” tab in the main window, click on Setup on the ribbon and navigate to Record view. Here you can choose which fields are displayed by default. Read more in Settings and setup.