Menu items on the record ribbon

Menu items for working on the record are found on the record ribbon.

Many functions pertaining to a record depend on its status and the user’s access level.

ribbon menu items
Figure 1. Menu items of the record ribbon

You can customise the ribbon in the window "Customise toolbar and ribbon".

The table below describes the menu items on the record ribbon.

Menu item Description


Navigate between the main and case windows by clicking one of them.

By clicking the drop-down arrow next to “Case”, it is possible to navigate to the case tabs “Case” and “Participants”. If add-on modules have been added to the case, such as F2 Manager, their corresponding tabs are also shown under Case as shown below.

Figure 2. Drop-down menu for “Case”

It is possible to navigate to the case and participant windows from the record window even when the record is in read-only mode.

edit item

When a record is in read-only mode, click the Edit button to make changes to the record document, its attachments, and its metadata fields.

When a record is in edit mode, the Edit menu item is replaced with the Save item.

If another user is editing the record, the Edit menu item is replaced with the Take over editing item.

take over item

You can take over work on a record including its record and approval documents by clicking Take over editing in the ribbon. The menu item is shown when another user is editing the record. The other user is notified when you take over the record.


Save changes to the record document, its attachments or its metadata fields by clicking Save.

The record cannot be saved if a validation error is found. This error occurs e.g. when an invalid value has been entered into a metadata field. The field will turn red and the Save button becomes inactive.


Cancel any changes made to the record document or its metadata fields. This does not affect changes made to the record title or any attached documents.


Depending on whether the record has been shared, Delete record works in two different ways.

When the user deletes a record, F2 asks the user to confirm this action.

Users with the privilege “Can delete shared records for everyone” have the option to Delete for everyone via a drop-down menu.

Figure 3. Drop-down menu for “Delete record”

Read more in the Delete record section.


This menu item is visible when a record has been deleted and then opened from the “My deleted records” list.

Before a record is restored, F2 asks the user to confirm this action.


This button helps the user “tidy up” the record by removing it from the user’s inbox and desktop.

If the user has the responsibility for the record, the record’s status can be changed from “In progress” to “Completed”.

When the user archives a record, the following dialogue appears.

Figure 4. “Move record to a folder” dialogue

mark unread close

Click on Mark as unread and close to close the window and mark the record as unread.

You can use the function to keep track of records you need to get back to later. Combine the function with flags and personal searches to maintain an accurate overview of everything you receive and which actions you need to take.


Click “Prepare sending” to display the delivery metadata fields used for sending the record as an email.

When adding a recipient, this menu item changes to either “Send” or “Send securely”, depending on the configuration.

For further information, see below.


The “Send” menu item is used to send an email (internally or externally).

“Send securely” is a configuration with which an encrypted email can be sent from F2 to external recipients. The security level of emails sent internally in F2 is already correspondingly high, so internal emails need not be sent using this function.

Use of this function presupposes that the organisation has a third-party provider to sign and encrypt the emails F2 marks as “Send securely”.

Emails sent securely are marked with the icon send secure icon.

F2 is configured in cooperation with cBrain.


Changes the record’s status from “In progress” to “Complete”.

When the record is completed, this menu item changes to “Reopen record”, which is described below.


Reopen a record. Changes the record status from “Complete” to “In progress”.


Open the chat window from which a new chat can be added to the record.

By clicking the drop-down arrow, the user can select “New chat to all” which automatically adds all the record’s internal participants to a new conversation.

For further information on chats, see the Chat section.


Open the note window from which a new note can be added to the record.

For further information on notes, see the Notes section.


Open the “New annotation” dialogue.

For further information on notes, see the Annotations section.


Open the “New request” dialogue from which a new request can be created.

Select either a regular request or a group request via the drop-down menu. Both types are add-on modules and respectively enable:

  • Internal requests: Internally in one F2 authority.

  • Group requests: Between two F2 authorities on the same installation.

For further information, see Request and Group Request.


Click on New record to open the “New record” dialogue. For further information on this dialogue, see the Creating a new record section.

Click the drop-down arrow to open a menu with the following items:

  • New record

  • New email

  • New document

  • New approval (add-on module)

  • New Digital Post (add-on module)

  • New e-Boks (add-on module)

  • New M4 mail (add-on module)

  • New output manager (add-on module).

Each menu item creates a new record whose metadata are adjusted according to the selected type.

The submenu items are described below.


Create and open a new email with the user as sender. For further information on creating and sending emails, see the Email section.


Open the “New document” dialogue from which a document template can be selected. This creates a new record with an attached document based on the selected template.

This document will open so the user can work on it, while its record opens in the background.

For further information on the “New document” dialogue, see the New document from template section.

The newly created record inherits the title from the attached document.


Open the “New approval” dialogue from which a new record with an approval can be created.

F2 Approvals is an add-on module. For further information, see Approvals.

The “New approval” dialogue offers the same options as when creating a new record. These are described in Creating a new record.


Open the “New Digital Post” dialogue from which a new Digital Post can be created.

Requires the add-on module F2 Digital Post (Next Generation). Read more here.

The “New Digital Post” dialogue has the same options as the “New record” dialogue. These are described in Creating a new record.


Open the “New e-Boks” dialogue from which a new Digital Post for e-Boks can be created.

Requires the add-on module F2 Digital Post (e-Boks). Read more in here.


Open the “New M4 mail” dialogue from which an M4 mail can be created.

Requires the add-on module F2 Digital Mail (M4).

The “New M4 mail” dialogue has the same options as the “New record” dialogue. These are described in Creating a new record.


Open the “New output manager” dialogue from which a new record with an output manager can be created.

Requires the add-on module F2 Output Manager.

The “New output manager” dialogue has the same options as the “New record” dialogue. These are described in Creating a new record.


Add an approval to an existing record.

F2 Approvals is an add-on module that aims to facilitate the process of approving work material. Read more in Approvals.


Select which metadata fields to display in the record window.

When opened, a record is shown with the metadata fields specified on “Record view” via the “Setup” menu item on the “Settings” tab in the main window. For further information, see the Settings and Setup.

The “Show all fields” drop-down menu lets the user choose between the following groups of metadata files:

  • Delivery

  • Standard

  • Advanced.

These fields are described in Record metadata.


A user has several managing options for records in F2:

  • Placing record

  • Flagging a record

  • Deadline for a record.

These options are described in further detail in Personal management.


A user has several managing options for records on behalf of his/her unit in F2:

  • Unit’s placement of a record

  • Unit’s flagging of a record

  • Unit’s deadline for a record.

These options are described in further detail in Unit management.


Open the “New document” dialogue from which the user can add a document template to the record. Read more in the New document from template section.


Two print options are available for a record:

  • “Print”:
    Use this option to print only the record document and its metadata.

  • “Print attachment”:
    Use this option to print one of the record’s attached documents. This menu item is only active if the user has selected an attachment.


Click to lock the record’s documents temporarily to prevent them from being edited.

The menu item is only active when the record is in edit mode. When a record’s documents are locked, the menu item changes to a darker colour:

Figure 5. Documents are locked

Locked documents cannot be edited until they are unlocked by the same user or another user with full write access to the record.

The locked state cannot be changed if the record has been sent or received as an email. In this case, the menu item is deactivated:

Figure 6. Documents cannot be unlocked
Locking a record’s documents includes the record document itself.


Open Windows File Explorer to select a file and attach it to the open record.

Clicking the drop-down arrow opens a menu with the following menu items:

  • Attach file

  • Attach records from F2

  • Attach document from F2

  • Attach document from same case

  • Include attachments from received email.

The menu items are described in the Attaching documents section.

create pdf record

Create a PDF version of the record and its attachments.

Click the drop-down arrow to display a menu with the following items:

  • Create record PDF

  • Create adjusted record PDF

  • Create F2 Manager PDF.

The created PDF will open automatically in the programme associated with PDF files.

Each menu item is described below.

menu item create record pdf

By default, F2 creates a joint PDF file containing a standard front page, the record document and any attachments.

Each page of the PDF contains a header displaying the title and number of the record and the attachment.

The first page of the PDF contains certain record metadata:

Figure 7. PDF file created from record
The template used when generating the PDF can be adapted to the organisation’s needs. Configurations are made in cooperation with cBrain.

adjust pdf record

Opens the “Create adjusted record PDF” dialogue. Here the user selects which documents to include and whether a header for each should be included.

record adjust pdf dialogue
Figure 8. “Create adjusted record PDF” dialogue

Select or deselect all documents simultaneously by checking the box on the left of "Title". You can toggle the automatic document header added to the documents using the checkbox at the bottom of the dialogue.

Your personal setup determines how F2 pre-fills this dialogue.


Displays the record as it will appear on F2 Manager on iPad.

Requires the F2 Manager add-on module. For further information on this, see Manager.


“Copy record” contains three menu items:

  • Copy record

  • Copy to another case

  • Merge to case parties.

For further information on copying records and merging to case participants, see the Copy record and merge to case participants section.


Link one record to another via either title or ID.

“Copy link to this record” copies a link to the clipboard and can be pasted into another record document. The link will be displayed as the record’s title.

“Copy record ID” copies the record ID to the clipboard which can then be pasted into e.g. a record document, a chat or a search field.

When clicking a copied link, make sure that only one instance of F2 is running. Otherwise F2 may attempt to open it in the wrong instance. Additionally, the record to which the link refers cannot be in edit mode when the link is used.


Opens cSearch, an advanced, intelligent search engine for F2. cSearch is an add-on module. Read more about cSearch.