Record metadata

The visible record metadata fields depend on your personal settings. A record can be displayed with:

Adjust which metadata fields that are displayed by clicking Show all fields in the record window ribbon.

show all fields
Figure 1. Show all record fields

Various metadata associated with a given record depend on its status and the user’s rights.

The following sections describe the metadata fields and how certain record metadata are managed.

You can only edit metadata on a record if you have full write access.

Email delivery metadata fields

Figure 2. Email delivery fields

The email delivery metadata fields are described below. For further information on creating and sending emails, see the Email section.

Field Description


“Title” is shown in every metadata field view. It is a free-text field describing the record. A title is entered when the record is created. It may be changed later.

On an email the title is identical to an email’s subject field.


The sender of the email. This field is filled in automatically when the user starts typing in the “To” or “Cc” field.


Enter any recipients of the email here.


Enter any Cc recipients of the email here.


Enter any Xbc recipients of the email here.

Adding an external participant here is similar to adding a recipient in Bcc in traditional email systems.

There is no difference between adding an internal participant here and in Cc. Xbc is not hidden for other F2 users and only affects outgoing external emails.
Suggestions in the “To”, “Cc”, and “Xbc” fields can be configured so they are more relevant to the individual user. The configuration is performed in cooperation with cBrain.

Standard metadata fields

Figure 3. Standard metadata fields

The metadata fields shown on a record in non-expanded mode are reviewed below.

Field Description


“Title” is shown in every metadata field view. It is a free-text field describing the record. A title is entered when the record is created. It may be changed later.


The status of a record indicates whether it is “In progress” or “Completed”.


In this field a deadline is set on the record. This value is used e.g. in searches and for sorting lists.


The “Responsible” field specifies the user or unit formally responsible for the record. Read more here.

“Letter date”

If the record has been sent or received, it has a letter date. This is the date on which the record was sent or received in F2.

In case of a scanned physical letter, the user can add a letter date in this field, which should correspond to the date on the physical letter.


If there is a case number in this field, the record has been added to a case. If the field is empty, it can be added to a case from here.

If a record is already added to a case, it may be moved to another by replacing the case number.

The user may also remove the record from a case if they have the required rights.

In order to remove a record from a case, delete the case number from the “Case” field. Adding the record to a new case is not required.

If a record must be added to a known case, enter the case number or case title in this field. Then select the case and press Enter or double-click.

For further information, see the section Adding a record to a case.

A case contains its own set of metadata. Read more about working with cases.

Suggestions in the “Case” field can be configured so they are more relevant to the individual user. The configuration is performed in cooperation with cBrain.


In some public organisations, a tick in the “Registered” field means that the record will be included in deliveries to the National Archives or similar institutions.

Private organisations may use this field to indicate particularly important records that may not be deleted.

In addition this field, like any other record metadata, is used for miscellaneous searches, groupings, etc.

“Record no.”

When a record is registered, a record number is allocated consecutively within a case. This means that only registered records added to a case have a record number.


Here the user selects the access level for the record:

  • Involved

  • Unit

  • All.

If a record is subject to an access restriction in the “Access restricted to” or “Case access restricted to” fields, an asterisk “*” is shown in the “Access” field.

Read more about access levels on records and how they are changed.


Here the user can add predefined keywords to the record.

Keywords can be added in three different ways:

  • Start typing in the field, and F2 will search for matching keywords. If there are any keywords specific to the unit, only these will be shown.

  • Press the down arrow key to display a list of available keywords. If there are any keywords specific to the unit, only these will be shown. Press Enter or double-click to select a keyword.

  • Search all keywords. Click the icon keywords icon in the “Keyword” field to open a dialogue showing all keywords available to the authority. From here, select a keyword and add it to the right panel with the right arrow button. Click OK to close the dialogue and add the selected keywords.

“Created date”

This field shows the date when the record was created and by whom.

For incoming emails, the “Created date” denotes when the record was imported into F2.

“External access” (add-on)

This field is only used for marking the record in connection with customer-specific integrations. The values are taken from a value list and must be configured in cooperation with cBrain.

Advanced metadata fields

Figure 4. Advanced metadata fields on a record

The advanced record metadata fields are described below.

Field Description


“Title” is shown in every metadata field view. It is a free-text field describing the record. A title is entered when the record is created. It may be changed later.

“Access restricted to”

Any access groups (users/teams/security groups, etc.) for the record are specified here.

This field limits the access to the listed users and groups. Regardless of the record’s access level as specified in the “Access” field, only users/groups that have been added to this field can access the record.

However, the access level is still in effect, which means that anyone added to this field must also be included in the record’s access level.

If a user adds a security group to a record which already has one or more security groups, the number of users who can access the record will increase.
When an access group is added or removed, the log will show which user made the change and when.

“Case access restricted to”

Any access groups on the record’s case are shown here.

This field is empty unless three conditions are met: the record is added to a case, “Case access” is ticked, and the case has an access restriction.

If the above criteria are met, F2 automatically transfers the users, units, teams and/or security groups from the case access restriction to this field.

If a user with restricted access (in the user properties) is added to the “Access restricted to” field, either the authority, a unit, or the user’s security group must also be added to this field, and the “Access level” must be “All”. Otherwise, access to the record is reduced to the restricted access user.

“Case access”

If this box is ticked, the access restriction on the record’s case is automatically transferred to the record. This means that an access restriction added to the case is applied to all its records. To avoid transferring the access restriction, the restriction must be replaced by a new one on the record. This is done by adding the relevant users and units to the “Access restricted to” field. Note that the “Access” field determines the access level on the record and also affects which users can access said record. The “Access” field is described in the Standard metadata fields section.

The “Case access” field is automatically ticked upon a record’s creation even if it is not attached to a case. A caseless record is implicitly access restricted to the user’s authority.

“Suppl. case mgr.”

Add any supplementary case managers on the record here. These are users, teams and/or units that help with the case proceeding without being responsible for the record.

For further information on adding supplementary case managers, see the section Adding a supplementary case manager.

“Record participants”

Add participants other than the sender, recipient, case manager, supplementary case manager, and the responsible participant to the record.

Suggestions in the “Record participants” field can be configured so they are more relevant to the individual user. The configuration is performed in cooperation with cBrain.

“SSN/CVR no.”

Add an SSN or CVR number to the case.

“Record type”

Used to distinguish between records sent to external participants, received from external participants or for internal work. The following record types are available:

  • “Outbound”
    If an email is sent to an external participant, the record type is automatically set to “Outbound”.

  • “Inbound”
    If an email is sent from an external participant, the record type is automatically set to “Inbound”.

  • “Internal”
    All records for internal work and communication are automatically assigned the record type “Internal”.

“Previous case no.”

If the record was added to another case or exists in another system, the original case number is shown here.

This field can also be filled in by the user.

“Remind date”

A remind date is a date used in connection with reminders that may be added to the record. This is to remind the user of taking action, e.g. following up on a record, in due time before its deadline expires.

The reminder date is not the same as a pop-up reminder, but is used as a basis for searches and for sorting lists.

“Received date”

This is the date when the record was received. This is set automatically if the record is sent electronically.

If the record originated as a physical letter, it is possible to enter the received date manually. This is useful for distinguishing the date printed on the letter from the date it was received.

If the record is sent electronically, a value identical to the letter date will be entered automatically in this field.

Metadata fields on a record with the unit casework line

A user is able to monitor the recipient’s processing of a record sent to users or units with the “Send” function. This is done from the record window’s “Advanced” tab by ticking the “Unit casework line” box before sending the record.

When a record is sent to an internal user or unit, the “Unit casework line” is created for each recipient, both users and units.

The “Unit casework” line only appears when the record is sent. It is visible when the advanced metadata fields are shown. The line is always visible to the recipients regardless of which field of groups are displayed.

unit casework line fields
Figure 5. Record metadata fields including the unit casework line

The metadata fields of the unit casework line are described in the table below.

Field Description

“Seen” (by unit)

Indicates whether a user in the unit has seen the record.

“Seen” (by responsible user)

Indicates whether the responsible user has seen the record.


The “Responsible” field specifies the user who is responsible for the record in the recipient unit. If a record is sent to a specific user, their unit is displayed here until they have seen the record.


The recipient specifies the record status in the receipt registration. This informs the sender whether the record has been completed or is still in progress.


Here, the record recipient adds a deadline.

Update the “Deadline” field by clicking on the calendar icon icon calendar to the right of the field or by entering the date in dd-mm-yyyy or a corresponding format.

A user can also enter a date by typing e.g. “+10” to set a deadline 10 days from the current date. When the user leaves the field, F2 automatically changes the format to dd-mm-yyyy.

Consequences of editing a deadline: The record will be included in the standard searches “Deadline tomorrow: Me” and “Deadline tomorrow: Unit” when appropriate.