The record ribbon functions

This section describes selected functions of the menu items in the record ribbon.

Delete record

The function of the “Delete record” menu item depends on whether the record has been shared.

A record is defined as shared if the creator has involved another user on it, or if another user has searched for and opened the record.

Involving another user may happen through e.g. a chat, emailing the record, reallocating responsibility or adding a supplementary case manager.

A record with the access level “All” or “Unit” is only counted as shared if it has been opened by a user other than its creator. Once a record has been shared, it cannot be deleted even if the means by which it was shared, e.g. a chat, is deleted.

F2 asks for confirmation before the user deletes a record.

The record cannot be deleted if:

  • The user does not have full write access for the record.

  • The record is in edit mode.

  • There is an unread annotation on the record.

  • The record has a record number on a case, i.e.:

    • The record is attached to a case.

    • The record has been registered.

The tooltip for the “Delete record” menu item will explain why deleting the record is not possible. Hover the cursor over the “Delete record” menu item to view the tooltip.

Figure 1. Example of “Delete record” tooltip

Deleting unshared records

Unshared records can be deleted from F2.

If the record has not been shared, clicking Delete record has the following consequences:

  • The record is removed from all lists and personal folders.

  • The record is transferred to “My deleted records” from which the user is able to restore it or delete it permanently.

When deleting an unshared record, it is removed from all lists, including the “Archive”, and can only be found in “My deleted records”. The record is kept there for 30 days after which the deletion is permanent. The 30-day period can be adjusted to accommodate the needs of the organisation.

Deleting shared records

Only users with the privilege “Can delete shared records for everyone” are able to delete shared records.

If the record has been shared, clicking Delete record has the following consequences if the user does _not# have the aforementioned privilege:

  • The record is removed from “My inbox”, “My desktop”, “My archive”, “My sent records”, “My chatted records”, and any lists created therefrom.

  • The record is transferred to “My deleted records” from which the user is able to find any records that they have deleted.

  • The record stays in the “Archive” and may still be found via searches.

  • Any other users with whom the record has been shared are still able to see it on their lists.

Delete for everyone

The “Delete for everyone” menu item is used to delete a record even if it has been shared. Only users with the “Can delete records for everyone” privilege have access to “Delete for everyone”. For other users the menu item is invisible.

Figure 2. “Delete for everyone” menu item

“Delete for everyone” is found in the drop-down menu for “Delete record”. Using this, a shared record can be deleted.

The following conditions will block deletion of a record for everyone:

  • The user does not have full write access for the record.

  • The record is in edit mode.

  • There is an unread annotation on the record.

  • The record has a record number on a case, i.e.:

    • The record is attached to a case.

    • The record has been registered.

Clicking Delete for everyone has the following consequences:

  • The record is transferred to “My deleted records” from which the user is able to find any records they have deleted.

  • The record is removed from all other lists, including the “Archive”.

  • The record may still be found through “Search all over” by users with access to the record before it was deleted.

Deleting a record permanently

A user with the “Can delete records for everyone” privilege can delete shared records permanently. Other users may only permanently delete unshared records.

To permanently delete a record, go to the main window. From here, select the “My deleted records” list.

delete permanently
Figure 3. The record context menu in “My deleted records”

Select the record and right-click to open the context menu. Then click Delete record. F2 asks for confirmation from the user before a record is permanently deleted.

Copy record and merge to case participants

The following describes the options for copying a record and merging a document template to the case participants.

Figure 4. “Copy record” menu item

These functions are found in the drop-down menu of the “Copy record” menu item on the record ribbon.

Copy record

Click Copy record to open the “New record” dialogue.

Figure 5. “Copy record”

From this dialogue it is possible to create a copy of the open record.

Figure 6. Create new record via “Copy record”

When copying a record, the user must take the following fields into account:

Field Description


Enter the record title here. F2 automatically adds “Copy of [title of original record]” in this field.


Add the record to an existing case by entering the case number here, or search for a case by clicking the case icon icon case.

Suggestions in the “Case” field can be configured so they are more relevant to the individual user. The configuration is performed in cooperation with cBrain.

It is also possible to create a new case for the record. For further information on creating new cases, see the section Adding a record to a new case.

“Use case number”

If the original record is attached to a case, the user can tick this box to add the new record to the same case.

“Record attachments”

Choose whether to copy the attachments from the original record to the new record.

By default, the option “Include attachments from the current record” has been selected, which means that all attachments from the original record will be copied to the new record.

If the attachments are not needed, use the “Do not attach” option.

“Relate the new record to the current record”

Tick this box to create the record as an answer record to the original one. This relation is shown in the “Related records” menu item on the “Advanced” tab of the record window.

For further information on related records, see the section Menu items on the “Advanced” tab.

“Copy metadata”

By default, the “Copy metadata” box is ticked.

Since the new record is a copy of the original record, it is often desirable to copy the metadata as well.

“Add approval”

Requires the add-on module F2 Approvals.

Displays fields related to approvals, so the record can be created with an approval flow attached. Read more here.

Copy to another case

This function is a quick way of copying a record to another case.

Figure 7. “Copy to another case”

Click Copy to another case to copy the record as well as its metadata and attachments to another case. The dialogue below appears. From here a case is selected to which a copy of the record is added.

Figure 8. “Copy to another case” dialogue

From this dialogue it is not possible to choose between variations of the record, whether to include metadata, or to create a relation.

Click OK to open the new record.

Merge to case participants (add-on module)

“Merge to case participants” is part of the F2 Merge Codes add-on module, and the menu item is available only if the module is installed.

Figure 9. Merge to case participants

This function will add a document from a template to the open record. This template contains one or more merge codes, which may collect information from the participant register, metadata or the phrase archive.

This lets the user merge standard email templates with the participants identified on a given case.