Create group request

The content of this website is last updated to F2 version 10. cBrain are working hard on supplying you with the newest documentation of F2.

The group request must be created on a record in read-only mode. Create a new group request by clicking on the down arrow next to New request and then on New group request in the drop-down menu.

Figure 1. Creating a new group request
Requests can only be created on records with the “In progress” status. The New request menu item is deactivated for completed records.

The “Request number [no. of request]” window opens. The “Return to” field is already filled in with the request creator’s name, and the checkbox “Notify creator and ‘Return to’ upon executed” is automatically ticked.

Figure 2. The group request creation window

Fill in the following fields before sending the group request.

Figure 3. Fields to fill in
The “Visible for unit” checkbox next to “Additional recipients (0)” only appears when a user is added to the “Request recipient” field.
No. Field Description


“Request recipient”

The user or unit who receives the request.

Group requests can only have one recipient. The recipient must be a participant from a different authority in the same F2 organisation and must have an associated email address.


“Visible for unit”

Tick this box to make the request visible to users in the request recipient’s unit.


“Request types”

Click the drop-down arrow to display a list of request types. The options depend on the setup of F2. More than one option may be selected.



The date (and, optionally, time) indicating the deadline of the request’s execution.

The deadline affects how and where the request appears in the lists of requester and recipient, allowing users in the organisation to sort requests by deadlines. Enter a date, click on the calendar icon, or write e.g. “+7” to set the deadline to seven days.


“Add internal deadline”

The requester, recipient, or executor may add an internal deadline to a request.

The internal deadline is primarily used by the request recipient, whereas the formal deadline indicates when the requester needs the request to be executed.

The request icon changes colour depending on the internal deadline, which is suggested as the deadline for the answer record. The internal deadline is added in the same way as the formal deadline.

The internal deadline takes precedence over the formal deadline, except in the group request log whose deadline always adheres to the formal deadline.

The internal deadline is not synchronised. This means that the request creator’s internal deadline is not visible to the request recipient nor does it affect any internal deadline set by the request recipient.


“Return to”

Shows to whom the group request is sent upon execution. When the request is created, the requester is automatically added to this field. If the requester does not want to receive the executed request, they can specify another user here before sending the request.


“Notify creator and ‘Return to’ upon executed”

Tick this box to have the group request appear in the inboxes of the requester and the user specified in the “Return to” field upon execution.

F2 can be configured to tick this box automatically. This configuration is made in cooperation with cBrain.



In addition to the request recipient, it is possible to add one or more contributors to the group request. A contributor is a user who contributes to the execution of the group request.

Contributors will receive the request record as an email with a copy of the group request attached as a PDF file.


“Standard description”

Choose between text templates with predefined texts. The chosen template text is inserted in the description field.

If no standard description templates have been created, this field is not visible. Templates are created in cooperation with cBrain.



Text informing the recipient of requirements to the content of the reply. The specific options depend on the configuration of F2.

Save or send the group request

Click Save to create the request. Upon creation, a log is added in the upper right corner of the request window just as with internal requests.

As with internal requests, group requests can be deleted without being sent, be cancelled after being sent, and saved continuously while the request is filled in.

After clicking Send, the group request is sent as an email. This means the record document cannot be edited post-sending, and that the recipient receives a copy of the original request record. In other words, metadata, notes on the record, and other similar information are not sent.

Figure 4. Request creator's options

The recipient receives the group request in their F2 inbox. Any contributors receive a copy of the request in their own inboxes.

If the request can be sent immediately, saving before clicking Send is not necessary. The request is automatically saved when sent.

The group request can be sent securely to a third-party system through a virtual authority. To do this, click the down arrow in the “Send” field and select Send securely in the drop-down menu. Read more about sending group requests through virtual authorities and sending securely.

Access group request

When a group request is created, it can be seen and accessed from the record to which it is attached. Open the group request by clicking the request icon at the top of the document area. An overview of the group request is shown. Click anywhere in the overview to open the full request window.

request overview record window
Figure 5. Click the request icon to see the request overview

The overview shows request number, deadline, request recipient(s), status, and the first part of the description for each request. Request numbers are assigned automatically and chronologically.

Group requests always have a request data file attached. The data file identifies the executed request as an answer when returned to the request creator’s authority in F2. This also applies to group requests sent to third-party systems.

Only one group request can be created on a record. If an additional group request or an external request is created on a record, F2 automatically creates a new record named “Request: Request: [title of the original record]” with the new group request. Any attached documents are automatically copied to the new request record.

The request log

After the request has been sent, a log of performed actions appears in the upper right corner of the request window. The log is updated when the request is sent, edited, replied to, etc.

request log
Figure 6. The request log after creation