Finalise a group request

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The executed group request is sent to the “Return to” user’s inbox.

inbox executed request answer record
Figure 1. The executed request and answer record

If an answer record has been created from the group request window and sent as an email to the “Return to” user, said record is associated with the same case as the original request record in the requester’s authority.

The group request can then be processed by the “Return to” user with an evaluation (1), an evaluation comment (2), an approval (3), or any combination of these. This is similar to an internal request.

When the answer to the group request is processed, click Finalise request (4). The group request is then completed.

Figure 2. Request window for the executed request
The “Before deadline” log entry, which is shown when the group request has been executed, is based on the formal deadline of the group request and not an internal deadline.

Once the “Return to” user has finalised the group request, it is registered in the log.

Figure 3. The finalised group request

The request’s approval status, evaluation, and evaluation comment are then visible to the request recipient.

The requester can finalise the group request at any time. This changes the request icon to finalised image31.
F2 can be configured to either allow all users to finalise requests or only users in the requester’s unit.

When the group request has been finalised, it disappears from the “F2 Requests from unit” list.

Finalised requests can still be viewed and accessed in F2’s main window. For further information about the default lists and searching for finalised requests, see Request.