Three types of requests

The content of this website is last updated to F2 version 10. cBrain are working hard on supplying you with the newest documentation of F2.

Three types of request can be made in F2:

  • Internal requests: An internal request is a formalised way of requesting that a job be done within an authority.

  • Group requests: A group request is sent within one F2 installation, but between different authorities.

  • External requests (available in Danish): An external request is sent between F2 systems, i.e. across installations.

Group requests

Group requests are sent between users or units in different authorities within the same F2 installation. Read more about installations and authorities.

When you create a group request, F2 automatically creates a new record to which the group request is attached. When sent, a user or unit in the receiving authority receives the record with the group request. The group request is managed in the receiving authority and then returned to the sender authority.

Figure 1. Group request between two authorities

Get an overview of requests

Group requests are shown in the same lists as internal and external requests. These lists are described under internal requests.


You can get an overview of sent and received requests in F2 from the standard request searches. The request view and request columns of the result list can help with this overview.


The request icons provide information regarding the deadline and status of the request.