F2 Request configuration options

F2 Request can be configured to fit the needs of the individual organisation. The following can be configured in cooperation with cBrain:

  • Determine whether to use the new and improved request window design.

  • Determine whether an request should be finalised when the answer record is sent and/or when the approval of the answer record is finally approved.

  • Determine whether the "Return to" field should be automatically filled with the name or unit of the request creator.

  • Determine whether there should be an option to evaluate the request.

  • Determine whether it should be possible to select one or more types of requests.

  • Determine which time should be automatically inserted in deadlines.

  • Determine whether it should be possible to select answer records with and without approval. Answer records with approval require the Approvals add-on to be installed.

  • Automatically tick the checkbox “Notify creator and "Return to" upon executed” when creating a new request.

  • Enable the Evaluate request button and its associated evaluation fields. It is also possible to choose whether the fields can be filled in by all users or only the request recipient and the “Return to” user.

  • Determine whether answer records can be created as regular records, approval records, or both. If both types are allowed, the user selects the appropriate type in the “Choose answer type” dialogue.

  • Show internal approvals of answer records in the request log after the approval is finalised. A line is added to the request, and the request status is updated to “Executed”.

  • Allow a request to be finalised by all users or only by those in the request creator’s unit.

  • Choose the default option in the “New record” dialogue when attaching a request record to an answer record (“Include attachments from the current record”, “Attach a copy of the current record”, or “Attach current record as PDF”).

  • Determine whether the request can only be viewed by the request recipient, the recipient’s unit, or all users with access to the record.

  • Decide whether the fields "Request deadline" and "Internal request deadline" should be visible in the request dialogue.

  • Determine whether the fields "Request deadline" and "Internal request deadline" should be pre-filled when creating a new request.

  • Decide whether the field "Close request if deadline is exceeded" should be visible.

  • Determine whether the field "Close request if deadline is exceeded" should be checked when creating an request.

  • Determine whether the fields "Record deadline," "Reminder Date," and "Approval deadline" on the answer record should be pre-filled with one of the following deadlines:

    • Request deadline

    • Internal request deadline

    • Request record deadline.

  • Determine whether the request deadline and internal request deadline can be updated after the request has been accepted.

  • Use the old request window design.

The above list of configurations is not exhaustive. cBrain recommends that all configurations are made in cooperation with cBrain.