Advanced search

A simple search using the free-text search field is often very broad. More precise and useful searches can be made by searching for specific metadata. This is an advanced search.

Advanced searches are performed in the main window using search fields. The fields correspond to metadata from records, cases, chats, and other F2 elements, which enables very specific searches. Click Advanced search in the main window ribbon (1) to view the advanced search groups (2).

advanced search enabled
Figure 1. Advanced search enabled
Remember to check for active advanced search criteria before you start your search, otherwise your search results may be poor or misleading. Read more about how to clear active advanced search criteria.

The height of the search field area is adjustable, making it possible to adjust the visibility of the result list. Click and drag the splitter between the search field area and the result list to the desired location.

Figure 2. Drag and drop the splitter to the desired location

It is possible to search for a specific search field by entering a search string in the field above the search groups. F2 will then show all search fields in which the search string appears. Pressing Enter is not required.

The search fields are divided into groups. Click on a search group to expand it and view its search fields. See the figure below.

Figure 3. The ”General” search group

A field with a drop-down arrow image24 next to its title allows the user to choose between certain values.

For example, under “Record status” choose whether to search for records with the status “In progress” or “Complete”. The search field can also be left empty.

Figure 4. Search options for the “Record status” field

Certain search fields have an information icon, info icon. Click the icon to open a description of the specific search terms that can be used in the field. For example, the search terms "Undefined" or "My unit" may be used in the Access limitation on record/case field, and "+7" or "Today" may be used in the Record deadline field.

advanced search info icon
Figure 5. Information about search terms in the "Record deadline" field

You can look up the available special search terms in the table for the relevant search group.

When you want to search for a user or unit, you have the following options:

  • Type the name of the user or unit in the search field.

  • Click the participant icon image26 in certain search fields to find the user in F2’s participant register.

  • Click the unit icon image27 in certain search fields to find the unit in F2’s participant register.

An additional drop-down menu is available in search fields for keywords and participants on records and cases. Specifically, the search fields “Record or case keyword” in the “General” group” and “Record/case participants” in the “Case related” group. When multiple keywords or participants have been entered, the drop-down makes it possible to search for results matching either at least one or all of the search terms.

Figure 6. Field with a drop-down operator

When the desired fields in one or more search groups are filled in, click the magnifying glass next to the free-text search field or press Enter to display the results of the search.

View and clear search fields

The title of a search group is bolded if at least one of its field is filled in. This makes it easier to determine if fields are filled in when the groups are collapsed.

Figure 7. Indications of active search criteria

When a search field is filled in, a green checkmark appears on the Search criteria button. The Search criteria icon makes it possible to see if any search fields are filled in even if the advanced search fields are hidden.

You can clear any advanced search criteria regardless of whether the advanced search fields are shown or hidden. When the advanced search fields are shown, the Clear search criteria button appears to the right of the free-text search field (1).

clear search criteria
Figure 8. Functions for clearing search criteria with advanced search active

When advanced search is disabled, you can clear active search criteria from the Search criteria drop-down (2). Click the button to open the drop-down, then click Clear active search criteria (3). You can also clear your active search criteria at any time by pressing Ctrl + Shift + X.

When you clear your active search criteria, the list is reloaded. This means the list is updated to show all current results.

If you clear active search criteria in a saved search, only the search criteria that you have added yourself will be cleared. The saved search criteria that make up the list are unaffected.