Search for participants

F2’s participant register contains the internal and external contacts of the organisation as well as the user’s private contacts.

To open the participant register, click on the participants icon image95 on the navigation line above the lists and folders to the left in the main window. You can also use the shortcut Ctrl + K. This opens the participant register in the result list.

Figure 1. Open the participant register from the main window

With the participant register open, click on the desired node in the list view to see its associated contacts. As with the “Archive” in the main window’s list view, a search is not performed automatically when you click the “All” node.

In the participant register, you can search using both the free-text search field and the advanced search fields. Type a text string in the free-text search field to begin filtering the results, and click on the magnifying glass or press Enter to search in the selected node’s participants and their information. When searching in a node, you are also searching in its sub-nodes and their participants.

To perform a search in the participant register, click on the node in which you would like to perform a search.

The following nodes are available:

  • All contacts

  • The organisation’s authority and units

  • External contacts

  • Private contacts.

Figure 2. Nodes of the participant register

When you have chosen a node, you can perform a search by either using the free-text search field or by clicking on Advanced search in the main window ribbon.

Clicking on Advanced search opens a drop-down menu of search groups in which it is possible to search for specific metadata. See the example below.

Figure 3. Use metadata fields to search for participants

An advanced participant search is similar to the “Archive” advanced search. For further information, see the Advanced search section.

Favourite search fields

You can create a search group with your personal favourite search fields.

Figure 4. The menu item “Edit favourite search fields”

Click on Edit favourite search fields on the “Settings” tab in the main window. This opens a dialogue showing a range of predefined search fields.

Figure 5. The “Edit favourite search fields” dialogue

Click on Participants to the left in the dialogue and tick off the search fields you want to add as favourites. Click OK to finish.

The selected search fields are then added to the “Favourite search fields” group in Advanced search, which is accessed from the main window ribbon. See the example below.

Figure 6. Open favourite search fields in the participant register

You can also add search fields to favourites when viewing a search group. To do this, hover the cursor over a search field until a grey star appears. Click on the grey star to add the search field to favourites. The star turns yellow. Click the yellow star if you want to remove the search field from your favourites.

Participant search fields

The table below describes each search field and its use.

The “Basic” search group

Search field Possible values Description




A search is performed for a participant with this name.

“SSN/CVR no”


A search is performed for a participant associated with this SSN/CVR number.

“Participant No”


A search is performed for a participant with the number that was automatically assigned by F2 when the participant was created in the register.

“Participants with limited access”



A search is performed for an external participant with limited access (add-on module).

The “Contact” search group

Search field Possible values Description


Email address

A search is performed for a participant associated with this email address.



A search is performed for a participant associated with this mobile telephone number.



A search is performed for a participant associated with this telephone number.

If the "Private phone" field is configured, it is included in searches with this field.


Address, town/city and postal code

A search is performed for a participant with this address, town/city or postal code.

Filtering search results

As in the main window, it is possible to filter the search results in the participant register. The filtering options “Active” and “Inactive” are used for this purpose. Access the filters by clicking the Filter button.

Figure 7. Participant register filter options

The table below describes each filter option.

Filter Description

image105 Active

Shows all active participants in the participant register.

image106 Inactive

Shows all inactivate participants in the participant register.

Related searches are used to keep track of the participant involved in a number of records and/or cases. This provides the user with a comprehensive overview of the participants involved in selected records and/or cases simply by right-clicking.

This search also works in the opposite direction so that it is possible to see records and/or cases in which selected participants are involved.

Related searches are used for:

  • Searching for participants based on records/cases

  • Searching for records/cases based on participants.

This search can be performed by right-clicking in either the main, record or case window as well as the record and case previews.

F2 comes with the following pre-defined related searches:

  • All participants involved in one or more selected records.

  • All participants involved in one or more selected cases.

  • All records in which the selected participants are involved.

  • All cases in which the selected participants are involved.

The term “Involved” includes everything from “Responsible”, “Supplementary case manager” to email sender and recipient.

A related search always displays its results in a new search tab in the main window.

It is possible to configure customer-specific related searches at the organisational level. This makes it possible to add functions for performing related searches based on metadata, for example searches for records where specific participants are listed as "Responsible". In some instances, related searches can also be configured to automatically open the first search result. Contact cBrain for more information.

An example of a related search:

Stanley Matthews wants to see which participants have been involved in a number of records in his inbox.

Stanley selects these records and right-clicks to open the context menu. Here he selects Related and then clicks on All participants on these records.

Figure 8. Find all participants involved in the selected records

F2 then opens the “All” node in the participant register on a new search tab in Stanley’s main window. The search tab shows all participants involved in the records that he selected.

Now Stanley wants to narrow down his search. He wants to know in which cases the participants Hannah Hendricks and Hector Richards have been involved. For this reason, Stanley selects them from the search results in the “All” search tab and right-clicks to open the context menu. He selects Related in the menu and clicks on All cases with these participants.

Figure 9. Find all cases with the selected participants

F2 opens a new search tab with all cases in which the participants Hannah Hendricks and Hector Richards are involved. Using related searches, Stanley can continue searching from records or cases to participants and from participants to records or cases.