Case guide master data

Fill in master data for the case guide on the ”Case guide” tab in the design template. This master data includes the case guide title, which is shown in F2’s user interface. Additionally, this is where you indicate whether to create a self-service for the case guide.

Figure 1. Example of master data for a case guide
Cell Description

”Case guide title”

Specify the title of the case guide. The title will appear in two places in F2’s user interface.

The title appears on the case guide tab, where it is visible throughout the case processing.

Figure 2. Case guide title on the case guide tab

The title appears in the ”New case” dialogue in the drop-down menu with available case guides in the F2 installation.

Figure 3. Case guide title in the drop-down menu with case guides

”Responsible unit”

Specify the unit that will be responsible for the cases to which the case guide is added. The unit name written in the design template should match the unit’s name in F2.

The unit must be created in F2 before the design template is uploaded.

”Only visible for responsible unit”

Select ”x” in the drop-down menu to limit the visibility of the case guide to the responsible unit. This means that only users in the responsible unit can choose to add the case guide to a case.

It is recommended to limit visibility so users can only select case guides relevant to their unit.


Select ”x” in the drop-down menu to create a self-service for the case guide.

Self-service data is filled in on the ”Self-service” tab in the design template.

The case guide is a prerequisite for creating a self-service. Conversely, a case guide can be created without an associated self-service.

”Automatic email receipt”

If you create a self-service for the case guide, you can choose for F2 to automatically send an email, for example a receipt, to the citizens using the self-service.

Select ”x” in the drop-down menu to add automatic email dispatch.

If you have ticked the box, you must also fill in information about the record and the corresponding document template to be used when a citizen has made an inquiry. Read more about this in the section Automatic email dispatch.