Design template

In the design template you define the case steps that the case guide should consist of and choose whether to attach a self-service and a management dashboard to the case guide. You can also set up calculations that can be included in case guide tasks and self-services.

This manual is based on an example of a case process where a citizen applies for a permit at an authority in order to hold an event. The application process takes place on a self-service page, where the citizen fills in a range of information, including whether to apply for a grant for the event. The application then automatically lands as a case in F2, where a caseworker can process the case using a case guide. Caseworkers and managers can track the case processing in a management dashboard, which provides a graphical overview of active cases distributed across the relevant case steps and in relation to the deadline.

Download blank design template

You can download a blank Service Builder design template via the ”Uploaded file to F2” dialogue. The dialogue is part of the F2 File upload module. It requires the ”Can upload files” privilege to use the module.

Open "Upload file to F2" by first clicking on Upload file on the "Settings" tab. The "Files uploaded to F2" window will open. Click on Upload new files in the window to open the "Upload file to F2" dialogue.

Download a blank design template by selecting Service Builder design template (1) in the "File type" drop-down. Then click on Download empty template (2) under "Files" and save the design template locally on your PC.

download template
Figure 1. Download blank design template
When saving the design template, it is important that the filename is unique. F2 uses the file name to overwrite existing files with the same name if the design template is uploaded multiple times to F2. The filename should only consist of letters, integers, and underscores ("_"). It cannot contain spaces, æ, ø, å, or other special characters.

Design template structure

The design template consists of four tabs:

  • Case guide

  • Self-service

  • Task layouts

  • Calculation.

Figure 2. The four tabs of the design template

Fill in the design template with master data for both the case guide and self-service on the relevant tabs. The individual case steps for the case guide are defined on the "Case guide" tab, and the individual pages and fields for self-service are defined on the "Self-Service" tab. You can further define tasks for the individual case steps on the "Task layouts" tab, while calculation fields to be included in tasks and self-services are created on the "Calculation" tab. If you need to attach a management dashboard to the case guide, it is defined on the "Case guide" tab.

If you need to define a solution without self-service, you can go directly to the section Fill in master data for case guide. However, if you need to attach a self-service to the solution, it is easiest to fill in the "Self-service" tab in the design template first. For more information, refer to the section Fill in master data for self-service.

A self-service cannot be created without a case guide, but a case guide does not require a self-service.


Before you can fill in the design template, there are a number of F2-related elements that need to be in place, because IDs and titles from F2 will be used to fill in the design template.

Element Description Mandatory/Optional

Progress codes

Progress codes are used to track the progress of a case in F2. They must be created in F2 before the design template is uploaded. The names of the progress codes written in the design template must match the names of the progress codes in F2.

Progress codes are used to track where in the case guide a case is located. The progress code automatically changes when the case moves from one phase to the next. You can define when a case should change progress code in the design template.


If you want to associate a management dashboard with the case guide, it is necessary to define progress codes in the design template.

Progress codes can also be used in connection with management reporting.


The keyword "Control record” must be created in F2.

Cases created with case guides generated by F2 Service Builder automatically contain a navigation record (applies to both manual and automatic case creation via self-service). The navigation records are automatically assigned the keyword ”Control record”.


Responsible unit

The responsible unit specifies the name of the unit in F2 that should be responsible for the cases created with case guides generated by F2 Service Builder (both manual and automatic case creation via self-service). The name of the unit written in the design template must match the unit’s name in F2.


Document templates

It is possible to use document templates in case guide tasks. For example, F2 can automatically send an email with a receipt when a citizen has submitted an inquiry via self-service. The external ID for the document template in F2 must be written in the design template.


File plans

File plans can be used to mark cases according to their subject. If your organisation has a defined file plan in F2, it can be used in the design template, so the case is automatically marked with the correct file plan code. The external ID for the file plan code in F2 must be entered into the design template.

Optional, but mandatory if your F2 installation is set up so that all cases must be marked with file plans.

Action codes

Action codes are used to mark cases in relation to the case’s administrative processing. If the organisation has defined action codes in F2, they can be used in the design template to mark the case correctly. The external ID for the action code in F2 must be entered into the design template.

Optional, but mandatory if your F2 installation is set up so that all cases must be marked with action codes.

Disposal codes

Disposal codes are used to mark cases in relation to retention and disposal. If the organisation has defined disposal codes in F2, they can be used in the design template to mark the case correctly. The external ID for the disposal code in F2 must be entered into the design template.

Optional, but mandatory if your F2 installation is set up so that all cases must be marked with disposal codes.