Management dashboard

A management dashboard provides a graphical and operational overview of ongoing cases as well as the case processing status. From the management dashboard, employees and managers can select the relevant case and start or continue the case processing.

The management dashboard, generated via F2 Service Builder, provides an overview of the cases created through the corresponding case guide. The cases are placed on a timeline based on when they were created, organised by week, month, or year. The second axis consists of categories. A case moves from category to category, depending on the progress code of the case.

A case is shown in the management dashboard when it meets two criteria:

  • The case must be associated with the case guide generated by F2 Service Builder.

  • The case must have the ”In progress” status.

Every case is represented in blue, unless the case deadline has been exceeded. In that instance, the case is red. Deadlines can be associated with the progress codes used in the various tasks during case processing.

Figure 1. Management dashboard

In the design template, first fill in the master data for the management dashboard. Then define and name the categories you want to add.

Fill in management dashboard master data

Fill in master data for the management dashboard at the top of the design template on the ”Case guide” tab. This master data determines the setup of the management dashboard.

Figure 2. Management dashboard master data
Cell Description

”Management dashboard”

Select ”x” in the drop-down menu to create a management dashboard for the case guide.

”Management dashboard folder”

Specify the name of a folder if you wish to organise your management dashboards into folders. You can specify an existing folder or create a new one by naming it. The folder will be created automatically.

”Management dashboard name”

Specify the title of the management dashboard.

”Time unit”

Select the time unit you want to organise the management dashboard by.

You can choose:

  • Week

  • Month

  • Year.

”Number of periods”

Enter the number of time units to be displayed on the timeline in the management dashboard.

Specify categories in the management dashboard

Specify the management dashboard categories in the ”Management dashboard category” cells next to the tasks on the ”Case guide” tab. Choose the name of the categories yourself. Cases with the progress code specified in the cell above the ”Management dashboard category” cell will be placed in the respective category in the management dashboard.

You can assemble multiple progress codes in a category by entering the category name under the relevant progress codes. In the example below, the progress codes "Awaiting case processing" and "Awaiting review" are collected in the category "Case processing".

Figure 3. Two progress codes placed in the same category in the management dashboard

F2 creates a category named ”Other progress codes” in the management dashboard by default. The category gathers cases with progress codes not linked to a category, and cases without progress codes.