Upload the design template to F2

Uploading design templates to F2 requires the File upload module and the ”Can upload files” privilege. The module provides access to the ”Files uploaded to F2” window where you can manage files that have already been uploaded to F2, upload new files, and create new file versions. You can also open the ”Version history” window via ”Files uploaded to F2” where you can version-control uploaded files.

Do not load the design template directly into your F2 production environment until the solution has been tested in an F2 test environment and possibly an F2 pre-production environment.

Upload new design template

Click on Upload file on the ”Settings” tab.

upload file menu item
Figure 1. The ”Upload file” menu item on the ”Settings” tab

The ”Files uploaded to F2” dialogue opens. Click on Upload new files to open the Upload file to F2 dialogue.

Figure 2. The ”Upload new files” menu item in the ”Files uploaded to F2” dialogue

Upload a design template as follows:

  • Select ”Service Builder design template” from the ”File type” drop-down menu (1).

  • Click on Choose files (2) and select your design template from its location on your PC.

  • Enter a comment in the ”Comment” field (3), e.g. ”Testing case guide X” or ”Changes to self-service Y”.

  • Click on Upload (4) to upload the design template to F2.

Figure 3. The ”Upload files to F2” dialogue

F2 loads and validates the design template, and you receive a record in your inbox when F2 has finished loading.

The filename must only consist of letters, integers, and underscore ("_"). It cannot contain spaces, æ, ø, å, or other special characters.

Upload new file version

Upload a new version of an existing design template the same way as you upload a new design template. Make sure to give the design template the same name as the one you want to update.

Upon uploading the new file version, F2 overwrites the existing file. The Version history shows that the respective design template now exists in a new version.

Upload errors

File upload validates the design template before it is sent to the servers. If there are errors in the file, e.g. a wrong external ID in the design template, you receive an error message, and the upload will not be completed. The error message appears in the ”Uploading file failed” dialogue, and you also receive it as a record in your inbox.

Figure 4. Upload error message

Correct the error in the design template and upload it again.